Whenever I've let the bastards grind me down, I reach for 1 Million Experiments to set me right. Instant dopamine.
#1ME #1MExperiments #dopamine #struggle #transform #abolition #WeKeepUsSafe #NoJusticeJustUs
#1me #1MExperiments #dopamine #struggle #transform #Abolition #wekeepussafe #nojusticejustus
Whenever I've let the bastards grind me down, I reach for 1 Million Experiments to set me right. Instant dopamine.
#1ME #1MExperiments #dopamine #stuggle #transform #abolition #WeKeepUsSafe #NoJusticeJustUs
#1me #1MExperiments #dopamine #stuggle #transform #Abolition #wekeepussafe #nojusticejustus
RT @jonathanstegall
Reminder that there was a great episode of #1MExperiments with a local org in Puerto Rico. https://twitter.com/interruptcrim/status/1554489460531908608