📢 #1Million cycle journeys counted and displayed so far in 2023! 📢
23 May'23: report by @highpoh@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
"Good evening to those cycling home this fine evening. Pat yourselves on the back! Because *drum roll* 1 million is here. ..
#CS3Count counts at approx 810pm"
"Cyclists today 12,873".
"Cyclists this year 1,006,356"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#1Million #london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter