@mattwilcox I mean that's your decision.
I can't use @1password / #1Password due to security and data protection requirements far exceeding #GDPR & #BDSG...
Kontext: Bin #1password-Nutzer, habe Apples Lösung mit der iOS17 Beta mal ausprobiert. Habe auch #ProtonPass ausprobiert, was auch ok ist, aber zum Beispiel ebenfalls "nur" auf den Geräte-Sperrcode zurückfällt, wenn Face/TouchID failt. Dass ProtonPass derzeit noch eine Safari-Extension fehlt ist (noch) ein weiterer Hinderungsgrund.
I predict that passkeys will be a big deal. In my tests using them for Google login, then with CVS just prompting me to migrate to them from password authentication, they were indeed pretty simple to use. 1Password is testing the ability to store passkeys and now the ability to unlock your passkey vault with passkeys. My latest story: https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/1password-tests-passkeys-for-unlocking-your-password-vault/
#passkeys #authentication #Security #1Password
#1Password #Security #authentication #passkeys
Has anyone already tried the new #PasswordManager by #proton ?
As a #1password user there's not necessarily a need, but I still feel the urge to try it out. The fact that at least their apps are open source is pretty cool! Although, I'd love to see their backend being open sourced too...
#1Password #proton #PasswordManager
#1Password adds Telemetry to its password manager, but it is opt-in
1Password users who have not seen the prompt yet in the application do not have data collected in their applications yet
🔗 https://www.ghacks.net/2023/06/22/1password-adds-telemetry-to-its-password-manager-but-it-is-opt-in/
#1Password helping eliminate #passwords for all apps and sites with ‘Passage’ #passkey dev tool
#WebDev #secdev #Security #Passkey #passwords #1Password
Cautiously excited about this
#1Password #passwords #PasswordManager
[New post] My switch to 1Password, three months later.
I was a longtime advocate of LastPass, having used it for 7 years.
But no more, after last year's security breach.
#Security #1Password #PasswordManager
An advantage of using the action is that you can open logins in a browser other than your default by holding ⌥.
#LaunchBar #1Password
Would you like @LaunchBar and @1Password to be friends again? I have news for you! 🎉
This morning I had to log into #1Password 5 (!) times to get into the work website.
@bitwarden never gives me that trouble.
#lastpass have released more info about their Decemeber breach, and recommended actions.
Honestly, my recommended action is to move to #1Password - while it isn't free (£36 a year), it's more user friendly and more secure (it's audited externally, which you can read here https://support.1password.com/security-assessments/)
#News #Tech #InfoSec #Technology #Security #1Password #Lastpass
Man, #LastPass, I'm still not done changing all the things from two nasty exploits ago. Changing emails as well as passwords. Maybe I'd change my hairstyle if I still had enough of it. What absolute chumps. Beseeching the spirits that #1Password is better behaved. It could hardly be worse.
#negativeendorsement #1Password #Lastpass
I'll update this thread if I find any major show stoppers with #1Password 8 and #accessibility. So far, so good!
With the latest iOS update out, I finally moved over from #1Password 7 to 1Password 8. #Accessibility changes mean that everything is labeled properly, actions properly show up for items when using Voiceover. The setup process moves over the account from 1Password 7 without any issues. Using FaceID and Fingerprint is far more reliable. I need to go through Watch Tower but things appear to be labeled there.
If you were waiting for 1Password's full access, fear no more. You can Move over
#blind #Accessibility #1Password
With the latest update, I've finally moved over to #1Password 8 on iOS from 1Password 7. The setup process moves over the account from 1Password 7. #Aaccessibility changes and updates are excellent. Actions work. Everything is labeled that I can tell so far. I have to go through Watch Tower. Things appear to be labeled there as well. I'll update this thread if I see major problems.
If you've been waiting because you heard that there were issues with #Voiceover, worry no more.
#blind #voiceover #aaccessibility #1Password