It's Neil Breen Week, and today I watched movie #2 of his remarkable five-film run as "the best terrible filmmaker of our generation," 2009's space-alien messiah morality tale (yeah, I know) "I Am Here....Now." Prepare to marvel at the exquisite craptitude!
#review #movie #film #NeilBreen #IAmHereNow #1StarAndAHeart #SoBadItsGood #midnight #cult #messiah #SpaceAlien #prophet #boobs #LasVegas
#1StarAndAHeart #sobaditsgood #midnight #review #movie #film #neilbreen #IAmHereNow #prophet #cult #messiah #SpaceAlien #boobs #lasvegas
It's finally time to start 2023 movie reviews, and what better way to kick off the new year than the entire filmography of the greatest bad filmmaker of our generation, Neil Breen? Today, his notorious 2005 debut "Double Down," which kicked off the five films (and counting!) of this "so bad it's good" writer, director, editor and star.
#movie #film #review #NeilBreen #DoubleDown #1StarAndAHeart #SoBadItsGood #MidnightMovies #CultFilms
#sobaditsgood #movie #review #neilbreen #doubledown #1StarAndAHeart #cultfilms #film #midnightmovies