Read my ★ (but with a heart) review of Neil Breen's 2018 "Twisted Pair," my fifth and final watch in my completist run this month of the fabled "best terrible filmmaker of our generation."
#review #movie #film #NeilBreen #TwistedPair #1StarWithAHeart #SoBadItsGood #cult #midnight
#movie #film #review #neilbreen #TwistedPair #1StarWithAHeart #sobaditsgood #cult #midnight
Read my ★ (but with a heart) review of Neil Breen's 2016 "Pass Thru," film #4 of my look this week at the filmography of the fabled "greatest terrible moviemaker of our generation." Side boobs and international hacker assassin mystical space alien ahoy!
#review #film #movie #NeilBreen #PassThru #1StarWithAHeart #SoBadItsGood #midnight #cult
#midnight #neilbreen #PassThru #sobaditsgood #film #cult #review #movie #1StarWithAHeart
Read my ★ (but with a heart) review of Neil Breen's 2012 "Fateful Findings," movie #3 of my look this week at the remarkable five-film run of this fabled "greatest terrible moviemaker of our generation."
#review #movie #film #NeilBreen #FatefulFindings #1StarWithAHeart #SoBadItsGood #midnight #cult #bad #terrible #OutsiderArt
#midnight #cult #bad #review #fatefulfindings #sobaditsgood #film #1StarWithAHeart #movie #neilbreen #terrible #outsiderart