#Minacciano un automobilista per avere soldi in cambio di un parcheggio, arrestati due rumeni
#Pescara. Nel pomeriggio di ieri, primo maggio, un giovane automobilista era in cerca di un posteggio nei pressi dell’area di risulta. È stato avvicinato da due uomini che gli hanno chiesto del denaro per ottenere un posto libero presidiato abusivamente. Al rifiuto del giovane, i parcheggiatori abusivi, avvicinandosi con fare intimidatorio, lo hanno minacciato e […]
L'articolo #Minacciano un automobilista per avere soldi in cambio di un parcheggio, arrestati due rumeni sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Threatening a motorist for money in exchange for a parking space, two #Romanians arrested
#Pescara. #Yesterday #afternoon, #1May, a young motorist was looking for a parking space near the result area. He was approached by two men who asked him for money to obtain a free parking space illegally parked. When the young man refused, the squatters approached him in an intimidating manner, threatened him and [...].
The article They threaten a motorist to get money in exchange for a parking space, arrested two #Romanians appeared #first on #AbruzzoLive.
2-5-2023 16:42 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/minacciano-un-automobilista-per-avere-soldi-in-cambio-di-un-parcheggio-arrestati-due-rumeni/
#minacciano #pescara #abruzzolive #romanians #yesterday #afternoon #1may #first
1 Mayıs bitmeden tüm mayıslara ve aydın, umutlu baharlara ...
Sana söz 🌱🍀💐✌🏻
#1MAYIS #1MayısEmekveDayanısmaGünü #1may
#1mayis #1mayisemekvedayanismagunu #1may
RT @EFAparty: Today on International Workers' Day we renew our engagement to continue fighting for fair working conditions and for fair & equal wages.
#1May #WorkersDay #SocialJustice https://t.co/32ZK7eGVmo
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RipaManuela/status/1653010612446699521
#1may #WorkersDay #socialjustice
A #Spoltore per il primo maggio il #Comune omaggia chi si è distinto per meriti sociali, culturali e professionali: i nomi dei premiati
Il sindaco #ChiaraTrulli ha conferito, in occasione della festa dei lavori, delle onoreficenze a chi si è distinto per il proprio impegno al fine di migliorare la qualità della vita nel territorio comunale di #Spoltore
On #1May in #Spoltore, the municipality honours those who have distinguished themselves for social, cultural and professional merits: the names of the award winners
Mayor #ChiaraTrulli conferred honours on those who have distinguished themselves for their commitment to improving the quality of life in the municipality of #Spoltore on the occasion of #theLabourDay
1-5-2023 14:24 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/politica/spoltore-primo-maggio-riconoscimenti.html
#spoltore #comune #chiaratrulli #1may #thelabourday #ilpescara
RT @EFAparty: Today on International Workers' Day we renew our engagement to continue fighting for fair working conditions and for fair & equal wages.
#1May #WorkersDay #SocialJustice https://t.co/32ZK7eGVmo
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1653013677170208773
#1may #WorkersDay #socialjustice
Ich bin sehr dankbar für Gewerkschaften und alle ihre Kämpfe und Erfolge für uns Arbeitnehmer*innen heute:
Urlaubstage, 40h-Woche, Teilzeit, Arbeitsschutz, AN-Rechte, etc.
#1may 💪
RT @EFAparty: Today on International Workers' Day we renew our engagement to continue fighting for fair working conditions and for fair & equal wages.
#1May #WorkersDay #SocialJustice https://t.co/32ZK7eGVmo
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jordisolef/status/1652969627662573568
#1may #WorkersDay #socialjustice
Why is our work on social justice and workers’ rights so important?
What does our work in the parliament mean for the people in Europe?
Read my blogpost on green jobs for the #1May below:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msaraswati/status/1652966440520019968
Today is International Workers' Day. It's absolutely crucial of all #ActuallyAutistic people to have solidarity with the Working Class, whether or not you are a member of it. As an oppressed class, we must stand in solidarity with all others under the boot of oppression. #1May
May day!
In solidarity with the workers shot at the #haymarket_massacre — seems it could happen again today.
Never heard of that? Here's a short version: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haymarket_affair
#history #1May
#1may #History #haymarket_massacre
Der Bayerische Rundfunk macht ein Feature zum #1May, dem #tagderarbeit
Und ich durfte ein paar Gedanken beisteuern. Hier im Podcast ab Minute 39:40:
#1may #tagderarbeit #fachkraftemangel #Einwanderung #offenegesellschaft
RT @Gruene_Europa: 📢Am heutigen #TagderArbeit erneuern wir unsere Forderungen nach fairen Löhnen und guten Arbeitsbedingungen. Wir streiten dafür, dass Menschen von ihrer Arbeit leben können! Gerade in Zeiten von steigenden Lebenserhaltungskosten 💸.
#1may #labourday https://t.co/DE4x9tSyhV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1652955787650650112
#TagderArbeit #1may #LabourDay
#Lesenswert: leider hinter Paywall:
Wer hat es gelesen? LuL arbeiten in Schulwochen wohl knapp 50 Std. Wenn man Ferien einberechnet immer noch 43 Std. Und die Unterschiede zwischen Fächern und Zusatzaufgaben ist riesig. Genießt den Feiertag! #1may #TagDerArbeit
#lesenswert #FediLZ #1may #tagderarbeit
1 May. Today's cartoon by Toso Borkovic. More cartoons about International Workers' Day in our collection: https://cartoonmovement.com/collection/may-1
#1may #internationalworkersday #workersrights
Buon Primo Maggio! 🌹
Good #1May ! 🌹
#rasaturadelgiorno #shaveoftheday #wetshaving #rasagedujour #rasurdestages #rds #afeitadodeldia #martindecandre
#1may #rasaturadelgiorno #shaveoftheday #wetshaving #rasagedujour #rasurdestages #rds #afeitadodeldia #martindecandre
"Italy is a democratic republic founded on labour."
Article 1 of the Italian constitution.
I always find it rather powerful and stirring, putting the dignity of work front and centre.
Happy #1May
#Cipollini (#Filcams-Cgil) sul primo maggio: "Festa del lavoro irregolare nel turismo, #Abruzzo tra le regioni peggiori"
Il segretario della #Filcams-Cgil #Abruzzo-Molise commenta i dati emersi di una “operazione di vigilanza straordinaria” dell'ispettorato nazionale del lavoro nei settori del turismo e dei pubblici esercizi
#Cipollini (#Filcams-Cgil) on #1May:'Irregular work in tourism, #Abruzzo among the worst regions'
The secretary of the #Filcams-Cgil #Abruzzo-Molise comments on the data that emerged from an 'extraordinary surveillance operation' of the national labour inspectorate in the tourism and public business sectors
30-4-2023 16:13 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/economia/festa-lavoro-irregolare-turismo-cipollini-filcams-cgil.html
#cipollini #filcams #abruzzo #1may #ilpescara
#Mercoledì all’#Aquila la prima assemblea sindacale dei carabinieri
L’#Aquila. Il 1 #Maggio, nonostante il tentativo continuo di comprimere e delegittimare la forza associativa dei sindacati, è comunque una giornata speciale e importante per tutti i #Lavoratori, una giornata che ricorda le battaglie operaie combattute per la conquista di diritti e sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro. C’è però una categoria di #Lavoratori, tra diverse […]
#L'articoloMercoledì all’#Aquila la prima assemblea sindacale dei carabinieri sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
#FirstCarabinieri union assembly in #L'Aquila on #Wednesday
#L'Aquila. #1May, despite the continuous attempt to compress and delegitimise the associative force of the unions, is nevertheless a special and important day for all workers, a day that recalls the workers' battles fought to win rights and safety in the workplace. There is, however, one category of Workers, among several [...]
#L'articoloMercoledì all'Aquila la prima assemblea sindacale dei carabinieri seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
30-4-2023 10:12 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/mercoledi-allaquila-la-prima-assemblea-sindacale-dei-carabinieri/
#mercoledi #aquila #maggio #lavoratori #l #abruzzolive #firstcarabinieri #wednesday #1may #first