Unbearable police brutality during a rally today in #Luetzerath against young climate activists defending the #1o5C limit and German constitutional law 👇
RT @der_neukoellner@twitter.com
Die Polizei hat in #lützerath friedliche Demonstrierende, Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien mit Schlagstock brutal angegriffen. Das ist Gewalt gegen demokratisches Recht zu protestieren im Interesse der Großkonzerne #lützibleibt
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/der_neukoellner/status/1614264426009612289
#lutzibleibt #Lutzerath #1o5c #luetzerath
RT @CA_Latest
Our new comment in @NatureClimate looks at #tippingpoints in the cryosphere (the parts of the world where water freezes to snow or ice).
It shows that warming beyond #1o5C risks triggering irreversible change in the coldest parts of the world.
🧵👇 1/7
RT @CA_Latest@twitter.com
Our new comment in @NatureClimate@twitter.com looks at #tippingpoints in the cryosphere (the parts of the world where water freezes to snow or ice).
It shows that warming beyond #1o5C risks triggering irreversible change in the coldest parts of the world.
🧵👇 1/7
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CA_Latest/status/1612803609548161024
The GBF calls for climate impacts on #biodiversity to be minimised and for greater resilience.
The IPCC's latest reports show how vulnerable nature is to warming, especially above 1.5°C (see charts).
To protect life in critical habitats we need to limit warming to #1o5C.
I've been so excited to today to bring in our perspective into the press conference of #SenGerPACT - the "Senegal-Germany People's Alliance for #ClimateJustice! It was launched at #COP27 and is a reaction on Germany's (well, Chancellor Scholz') plan to support a brand new gas extraction in the sea of Senegal and Mauretania -> https://fridaysforfuture.de/senegal-germany-peoples-alliance-for-climate-justice-english-version/
What we've said today -> https://youtu.be/pRp43exjROo
And just to remind you: #keepitintheground
#sengerpact #ClimateJustice #cop27 #keepitintheground #1o5c #renewables
RT @klima_allianz@twitter.com
✋ For 1,5° C – STOP HERE! ✋
Mit 2.220 Menschen haben wir heute zur Halbzeit der #COP27 die 1,5 Grad-Grenze am Tagebau Garzweiler II markiert. Die Kohle unter Lützerath muss im Boden bleiben!
#Luetzerathbleibt #1o5C
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/klima_allianz/status/1591439051814588418
#COP27 #LuetzerathBleibt #1o5c
RT @klima_allianz@twitter.com
✋ For 1,5° C – STOP HERE! ✋
Mit 2.220 Menschen haben wir heute zur Halbzeit der #COP27 die 1,5 Grad-Grenze am Tagebau Garzweiler II markiert. Die Kohle unter Lützerath muss im Boden bleiben!
#Luetzerathbleibt #1o5C
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/klima_allianz/status/1591439051814588418
#cop27 #LuetzerathBleibt #1o5c
This is a truly remarkable opening high level speech at #COP27 from Al Gore. Key points:
– burning dead rainforests is a path to disaster
– science says no new fossils for #1o5c
– stop subsidising fossils
– Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a being used as a pretext for fossil expansion
– The dash for gas in Africa is a colonial project
– Need to reform Breton Woods institutions
RT @MelanieBergma18@twitter.com
From the very South to the high North @AWIs4Future@twitter.com support the #GlobalClimateStrike. Our research shows that we've no time to loose to #ActOnClimate & reduce our #greenhousegas emmisions to keep below #1o5C! #KeinGradWeiter! Off to strike in #Bremen now!
📸L. Nixon 📸W. Almeida
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MelanieBergma18/status/1309388415885078533
#globalclimatestrike #actonclimate #greenhousegas #1o5c #KeinGradWeiter #bremen
Wow! Trotz des ungemütlichen Novemberwetters waren sooo viele Menschen auf den Straßen! Unsere Anliegen einfach zu ignorieren, ist zermürbend, geht aber nicht auf. Wir machen weiter Druck für eine sozial-ökologische Wende! #1o5C #GlobalClimateStrike #NeustartKlima #GreenFriday https://twitter.com/fridayforfuture/status/1200429585474768896
#1o5c #globalclimatestrike #neustartKlima #greenfriday
« BREAKING: Greenhouse gas emissions from plastic threaten our #climate at a global scale; may force global temperature rise above #1o5C, new report finds. http://bit.ly/plasticandclimate By @ciel_tweets @EnviroIntegrity @FracTracker @GAIAnoburn @5gyres #HiddenCostsOfPlastic https://t.co/cGo1zEtF2x »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/ciel_tweets/status/1128600502772563970
#climate #1o5c #hiddencostsofplastic
RT @Alternatiba_@twitter.com: A #Marseille, #Lille, #Reims, #ClermontFerrand et bien d'autres, les groupes Alternatiba et @AnvCop21@twitter.com participent aux #MarchePourLeClimat ! #IlEstEncoreTemps de rester en dessous des #1o5C de réchauffement : changeons le système, pas le climat !
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Alternatiba_/status/1051111088551579648
#1o5c #ilestencoretemps #marchepourleclimat #clermontferrand #reims #lille #marseille
RT de 350 France :
15 000 personnes à la #MarchePourLeClimat à #Lyon ! 🛑
Les multinationales comme Total signent chaque jour de nouveaux contrats de #pétrole ou de #gaz. Mais nous le savons ==> #1o5C = #ZeroFossile
cc @antipub @RAPasso
#marchepourleclimat #lyon #pétrole #gaz #1o5c #zerofossile
Enough is Enough: **#DefundRWE To keep global warming below #1o5C, fossil fuels need to stay in the ground – Defund Fossil Fuels campaign**
"Hambacher Forest will not be uprooted for the time being but the struggle to keep fossil fuels in the ground is far from over. A Defu…"
#bot #Anarchism #1o5c #defundrwe
#DefundRWE To keep global warming below #1o5C, fossil fuels need to stay in the ground – Defund Fossil Fuels campaign https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/10/09/defundrwe-to-keep-global-warming-below-1o5c-fossil-fuels-need-to-stay-in-the-ground-defund-fossil-fuels-campaign/