KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
#1Password was hanging for me again today. Every time this damned Electron UI misbehaves, I inch closer to eating the cost of migrating my family to KeePassXC or Bitwarden or iCloud Keychain...
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
So @1password needs to work on their “a former employer terminated the corporate account your personal account was still getting subsidized through” user flow.
Because #1Password refusuing to autofill, w/ the text "your account is frozen”, _on which is where you need to sign in to update your billing info_, is terrifying 🤨🤔🥴😱
(Figured it out eventually! You can still sign in and still use apps to read/copy your data; the frozen part is /just the autofill/! THIS IS NOT OBVIOUS!)
I recently switched from #bitwarden to #1password as I heard good things and the upcoming passwordless integration to IOS.
I will say the experience is horribly and I am probably going back.
* Importing from BW was CSV only and error prone.
* All webpages/plugins are super slow to load. The Firefox pluging takes regularly 5 seconds to show the password prompt
* No biometric login on the firefox plugin
* OTP integration doesn't automatically copy to the clipboard.
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
There’s no way to autofill passwords saved in #1password using #Firefox on #iOS is there?
I can only seem to autofill passwords if they’re saved in my Firefox account, which they’re not, or use 1Password with Safari.
I know this is more Apple’s doing (they apparently don’t allow other browsers to have extensions) than Mozilla, but still frustrating.
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
Finally migrated from 1Password to iCloud Keychain and I’ll can already see the benefits. Password and 2FA auto-filling is so much less clunkier. Don’t get me wrong I used to love 1Password, but recent successive releases have become increasingly unreliable, particularly the browser extensions. If you’ve been on the fence about switching I can confirm all is good.
#iCloudKeychain #1Password #Passwords #2FA
#2fa #passwords #1password #icloudkeychain
Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #wladimirpalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #KarimToubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #Plex
KrebsonSecurity: Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach #ALittleSunshine #TheComingStorm #lastpassbreach #NicholasWeaver #WladimirPalant #TaylorMonahan #DataBreaches #WebFraud2.0 #AdBlockPlus #ArsTechnica #Chainalysis #KarimToubba #Unciphered #1Password #MetaMask #NickBax #Plex
#alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lastpassbreach #nicholasweaver #wladimirpalant #taylormonahan #databreaches #webfraud2 #adblockplus #arstechnica #chainalysis #karimtoubba #unciphered #1password #metamask #nickbax #plex
Ich muss ja zugeben, dass ich eine sehr lange Zeit über ziemlich viele Passwörter im Chrome Password Manager speicherte, weil es einfach so komfortabel war. Mittlerweile funktioniert die 1Password-Extension aber doch irgendwie nochmal besser und ich werde wohl mal versuchen alles zu konsolidieren.
#security #passwords #1password
#1Password は10数年使ってる。1000を超えるIDパスワードとか覚えるの普通に無理だもん。