Eh bien j'ai vraiment eu du mal, surtout sur le premier tome, mais je crois qu'au final j'ai bien aimé. #mastobook #mastobookfrance #1q84
#mastobook #mastobookfrance #1q84
"audio loss" (noun) - the feeling of grief you experience after listening to the last sentence of the 46-hour and 45-minute audiobook version of #1Q84
by #HarukiMurakami (#Audible).
PS. I highly rate this audiobook which features a bonus interview with its two erudite translators. I loved that one of them couldn't get used to calling the book 1Q84, preferring its Japanese title, Ichi-Kyū-Hachi-Yon (いちきゅうはちよん). ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
#1q84 #harukimurakami #audible #books #audiobooks
@ellenmorrisprewitt There's a wonderful process #HarukiMurakami writes about in #1Q84, where a novelist character writes difficult scenes by over-doing it (lots of florid detail, everything that comes to mind), then under-doing it (stripping away everything considered absolutely not essential), and then repeating expansions and contractions until he reaches a point where the text lacks nothing and contains nothing extra.
I've tried it, with good results. #AmWriting #RainyDayActivity #Fiction
#harukimurakami #1q84 #amwriting #rainydayactivity #fiction
Finallyyyyyy! I finished #1Q84 by #Murakami. Y’ever think, “Who the fuck can read or finish a thousand page book…”
So s’cuse my awe right now… for finishing my second!… thousand-pager (the first one was The Stand during lockdown…)
#1q84 #Murakami #booksofmastodon #bookstadon
Vaak grappig, een heel aantal keren mooi, dikwijls wonderlijk, regelmatig ongemakkelijk, dit verhaal dat zich onder twee manen afspeelt Ik heb de laatste bladzijde met spijt omgeslagen.
#boeken #boek #leestip #Murakami #1q84 #lezen
#boeken #boek #leestip #murakami #1q84 #lezen
Het is even geleden dat ik nog eens een #boekentoot plaatste, maar ik was #1q84 van Haruki #Murakami aan het lezen en dat vraagt wel wat tijd. Het is niet de beste Murakami, maar ik heb wel graag enkele weken in de werelden van Aomame, Tengo en Fukaeri vertoefd. Je zou kunnen zeggen dat er wat veel herhaling inzit en het wel enkele honderden bladzijden korter zou kunnen zijn, maar dat stoorde me niet. Integendeel, het zorgde ervoor dat ik me nog meer ondergedompeld voelde. (1/2)
Just wrote a review of Haruki Murakami's 1Q84.
I put it up on substack for now, because that seems like an easy platform to start on. I might end up shifting writing about books somewhere else later.
#bookreview #Murakami #1q84 #magicalrealism
Recién terminé de leer #1Q84, de Murakami.
Reconozco que me distrajo mucho esta idea que he decidido poner a disposición de la banda lectora mexicana, a ver si se convierte en meme :awesome:
#BookTodon #MastoBook #Libro #MastoLibro #lectura #SoloEnMéxico
#1q84 #booktodon #mastobook #libro #mastolibro #lectura #soloenmexico
Very hard to distill down to 7, but here some books I like.
#TheBlackSwan - #Taleb
#TheSunAlsoRises - #Hemingway
#UndauntedCourage - Ambrose
#EmbracingDefeat - Dower
#Neuromancer - Gibson
#1Q84 - #Murakami
#TheFaceofBattle - Keegan
#theblackswan #taleb #thesunalsorises #hemingway #undauntedcourage #embracingdefeat #neuromancer #1q84 #Murakami #thefaceofbattle #7books
@geekaren @bookstodon Indeed, #Murakami|s worldbuilding is intriguing as is the musicality of his texts 🎶
Incidentally I just picked up that book about running you mentioned in a thrift store / same way I found #1Q84/ 😎
@emama @bibliofilincurabili
Io ho letto i primi due e devo ancora iniziare il terzo #1q84 e lo sto amando molto . Sempre la scorsa estate ho letto una sua raccolta di racconti tutti i figli di dio danzano e pur non essendo male non è come i romanzi . Io con lui sono partito dall'arte di correre e la sua scrittura mi ha subito coinvolto . Ora cerco di recuperare il resto anche grazie ad un gruppo di lettura .
@ivanovaili Hablando de idiomas asiáticos... ¿Ya leíste #1Q84? Yo voy por los 2/3 y no he podido dejar de distraerme con el hecho de que uno de los personajes principales se llame "Tengo".
Cada vez que leo su nombre, que es bastante, me viene a la mente este posible diálogo:
— ¿Tienes hambre? — Preguntó Aomame.
— Tengo — Respondió Tengo.
#7Books to know me:
#Leaves of Grass by #WaltWhitman.
#StationEleven by #EmilyStJohnMandel
#BalladOfTheSadCafé by #CarsonMcCullers
#TheExpanse series by#JamesS.A.Corey
#reading #books #bookstodon #theexpanse #DonnaTartt #thegoldfinch #harukimurakami #1q84 #CarsonMcCullers #balladofthesadcafe #emilystjohnmandel #StationEleven #waltwhitman #leaves #7books
Estoy #leyendo ese punto de #1Q84 en el que la gestación de 𝘝𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢, la comuna, comparte muchos aspectos con este momento de la #TwitterMigration y la consolidación del #Fediverso.
Me gustaría que, en nuestro caso, terminemos un ruta diferente que no llegue a un rojo 𝘈𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘳.
Que sea un día inspirador para toda las manadas de mastodontes 🙌
#leyendo #1q84 #twittermigration #fediverso
Ho appena finito primo libro di 1q84 di Murakami ,l'ho iniziato senza sapere cosa aspettarmi e devo dire che ho fatto fatica nella prima metà ad ingranare ,ora che l'ho finito il mio giudizio è positivo una lenta trama che ci porta a capire i legami tra le storie dei protagonisti per gradi fino all'ultima riga .
#letture #libri #Murakami #1q84
#letture #libri #Murakami #1q84