I’d post this video directly here but I’m pretty sure it’d go over the size limit so an instagram link will have to do, anyway.. here’s January!
January 2023, restarting my #1SecondEveryday habit (cheating with photos and several gap days but I’m counting it) #1se
One second every day of my life from the year 2022. Made with #1secondeveryday app
As I was compiling all my 2022 videos for #1SecondEveryday, the thought occurred to me - how about an audio only version? Imagine making a #fieldrecording each day, no matter how mundane or urban the sounds, and the joy hearing them compiled together and triggering memories
#1secondeveryday #fieldrecording
I am DONE with a very long project at last.
Here are my entire 2020, 2021 and 2022 in one-second-a-day video format - that's 19 minutes covering over 1000 days:
(There are also links in the caption to each of those years individually.)
I'm surprised by the lack of alternatives to #1SecondEveryday. I am a big fan of the app, though I'd love to see an #Android #opensource alternative where instead of a subscription, I could manage my own backup of all my videos https://alternativeto.net/software/1-second-everyday/
#1secondeveryday #android #opensource
https://www.icloud.com/photos/#09dBmsKHv1RrkhPpMiJxVgh8Q my 2022 in seconds #1SecondEveryDay
#1SecondEveryDay my year in seconds 2022 https://share.icloud.com/photos/0e33Ilq-U6BQ_WhIhnicuypWA
I use #1SecondEveryday to record my year. Here's my 2022 video https://youtu.be/Mu1idSUYzKM
Сьогодні остання секунда #1secondeveryday цього року. Стрьомно його дивиться особливо початок року, але це історія. Оптвмистисно придбав підписку на рік. Тепер можно декілька сніпетів за день, відоси до 10 сек, під музику щоб кадри змінювались та звісно бекап. Люблю я такі штуки, особливо коли це майже автоматично
Welp, that’s November.
November 2022 #1secondeveryday down. i can’t fucking believe another year has already almost passed!