South Carolina's new all-male highest court imposes their own religious views on when life begins on the rest of us.
See the #1stAmendmemt violation
#1stamendmemt #noestablishmentclause
Tech bros, gals & theys . The tiktok ban is not a tiktok ban. It is an internet censorship ban. Say NO to the Restrict Act.
#tech #technology #InternetCenorship #internet #firstamendment #1stamendmemt #CyberSecurity #censorship
#firstamendment #1stamendmemt #CyberSecurity #censorship #tech #technology #internetcenorship #internet
We tried keeping church and state separate and it failed, so what we need in America is to codify absolute religious freedom.
I modestly propose a law wherein everyone, Xian, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, and all others have the absolute and unequivocal right to worship the Dread Lord Nyarlothotep in accordance with the proper ceremonies.
#religiousfreedom #1stamendmemt
#satire #parody #1stAmendmemt #FirstAmendment #civilrights #constitutionalrights #police #qualifiedimmunity #ohio
This is seriously frightening:
ABC News: Ohio man, jailed for fake Facebook page, asks SCOTUS to let him sue police.
#satire #parody #1stamendmemt #firstamendment #civilrights #constitutionalrights #police #qualifiedimmunity #ohio