Danke für die Infos...
da muss ich mich noch schlau mach\einlesen...
am liebsten wären mir #Bodenfeuchtesensor|en mi #1wire, hab ich schon im Huas und die könnte man einfach an eine Leitung hängen...
aber alles was ich dafür jetzt gefunden haben ist mir einfach zu teuer für eine solche Spielerei 😏
#bodenfeuchtesensor #1wire #bodenfeuchte #bewasserung #OneWire #esp32 #arduino
More #1wire thermistor progress. Turns out I had wired the second thermistor wrong because I read the pin diagram top down instead of bottom up (despite clear instructions), and had shorted 5v to ground. Fixed and now I have outdoor temperature plus boiler water temperature! Going to add monitoring for various other zones later in the week. #homeautomation
Made some progress on the #1wire thermistor setup. The dallas thermistor datasheet clearly show a resistor is needed, though I still don't quite understand why that limits current. But turns out wiring just one thermistor (without a resistor) works! With the help of @andatche we realised the DS2482-100 i2c/1wire chip that my controller uses has its own internal active pullup resistor, so current theory is my raspbery pi power supply is overworked. So that's next. #electronics #homeautomation
#1wire #electronics #homeautomation