240 - Year 40 Memorable Moment: Juggernaut joins up
One of the few decent ideas from Austen's run, Juggernaut accepts a place w/the #XMen, a surprising move which still feels like a not entirely unnatural turn given Cain's past characterization.
#xmen60 #60yearsofx #2002xmen #XMen
239 - Year 40 Fun Fact: New X-Men Logo
The logo for New X-Men was created by Richard Starkings of Comicraft, based on an idea from Grant Morrison. It is designed so it reads the same upside down as right side up.
#XMen #xmen60 #60yearsofx #2002xmen
238 - Year 40 Comic: New X-Men #121
The 'Nuff Said gimmick lived or died by the strength of the creative team; Morrison & Quitely use it to tell a (mostly) silent story that
is evocative, darkly humorous & still pushes the narrative forward.
#XMen #xmen60 #60yearsofx #2002xmen
237 - Year 40 Character: Stacy X
This is the closest Stacy gets to having a year, featuring her semi-infamous encounter w/a politician & a spotlight story where she gets lectured for sex work by Angel before being written out of the series.
#XMen #xmen60 #60yearsofx #2002xmen
236 - Year 40 Creator: Grant Morrison
In their first full year on New X-Men, Morrison really begins to riff on classic Claremont tropes, introduce clever new characters & new big ideas, and plant seeds that'll grow to fruition over their run.
#XMen #xmen60 #60yearsofx #2002xmen
235 - Year 40 Cover: New X-Men #126
In era in which covers are already trending towards static pinups, a cover like this which both teases a specific story & speaks to the tone of the series stands out all the more.
#XMen #xmen60 #60yearsofx #2002xmen
Joe Casey is out & Chuck Austen is in as Grant Morrison starts to cook! Xorn joins, Chamber quits, Xavier walks! Gambit & Rogue lose their powers! Weapon Plus, Fantomex, Dusk, Squidboy, & Quentin Quire debut as a riot looms at Xavier's in #2002XMen!
#60YearsOfX #Xmen60 #XMen
#XMen #xmen60 #60yearsofx #2002xmen