So the current state of religion in England and Wales is:
Christian 46.2%
No religion 37.2%
Muslim 6.5%
Didn't answer the question 6%
Hindu 1.7%
Sikh 0.9%
Jewish 0.5%
Other 0.6%
#EnglandAndWales #2021Census #Religion #Atheist
#EnglandandWales #2021Census #religion #atheist
That 2021 #Census result for #religion in full...
(The #2021Census for #England and #Wales has placed those who identify with #Christianity in a minority for the first time.)
#census #religion #2021Census #england #Wales #christianity #atheism #humanism #Agnosticism #belief #spirituality
The 2021 census invites serious discussion about the role of Christianity in British society - particularly in education. It's time to relegate RE/RS and the daily act of collective worship from compulsory to optional. Their continued presence in schools reflects the power of the established church, not the values British people hold, which are increasingly agnostic. #census #2021census @religiousstudies
The 2021 census invites serious discussion about the role of Christianity in British society - particularly in education. It's time to relegate RE/RS and the daily act of collective worship from compulsory to optional. Their continued presence in schools reflects the power of the established church, not the values which British people hold, which are diverse and dynamic. #census #2021census @religiousstudies
The 2021 census invites serious reflection about the role of Christianity in British society - particularly in education. It's time to relegate religious education/studies and the daily act of collective worship from compulsory to optional. Their continued presence in schools represents the power of the established church not the values which British people hold, which are diverse and dynamic. #census #2021census @religiousstudies
That 2021 #Census result for #religion in full...
(The #2021Census for #England and #Wales has placed those who identify with #Christianity in a minority for the first time.)
#census #religion #2021Census #england #Wales #christianity #atheism #humanism #Agnosticism #belief #spirituality
Very interesting that the #2021Census shows less than half of England and Wales's population now identifies as #Christian. I do fear this will be pounced on by some of the very worst people across the political & religious spectrums