:pa: #Pennsylvania voters:
The next election in Pennsylvania is on Tuesday, November 2.
If you would like to vote by mail, you must apply for a mail ballot by Tuesday, October 26. Make sure that your voice is heard in the next election! Apply for your mail-in now with the below link (new web address for PA voting- bookmark it.)
Remember: registered voters can vote in person at their polling place on Election Day if you choose not to vote by mail. However, if you apply to vote by mail but change your mind, make sure to bring your mail ballot materials to the polls to cast your ballot in person.
#2021Elections #VoteByMail
Ballot Request Application:
#Pennsylvania #2021Elections #VoteByMail
#VoterRegistration #2021Elections #November2
If you live in-
MAINE :me:
The deadline for you to register in order to vote in your November 2nd elections is TODAY, Tuesday, October 12th. (ME and MN have same-day registration but if you miss the deadline but there's no reason to wait.)
Register if you're not, check your registration and be 100% sure you're still registered and everything is correct if you already are, and ask friends and neighbors if they're registered, too.
Democracy works best when everyone votes. And the first step is being registered.
#RegisterToVote :registertovote: :vote:
#VoterRegistration #2021Elections #November2 #RegisterToVote
For #Pennsylvania :pa: elections:
Get on the phones! ☎️
PA has really, really important School Board and State Supreme Court elections on November 2nd. They need help with mail-in ballot chase phone calls. Info below.
Wednesdays (10/13, 10/20, and 10/27) from 4-6 or 6-8 PM: It’s time for ballot chase! These calls are always really rewarding. We’ll be calling Democrats to be sure they have the information they need to return their ballots properly and on time. We need your help getting this vital information to as many voters as possible.
Republicans in the state are desperate to try and wrongly use the pandemic and what they perceive as Democratic voter apathy to try and take over school boards and court seats. We have to stop them. Thanks for helping and spreading the word. #CallToAction #GOTV #2021Elections :CTA:
Mail-in Ballot Chase Phone Banking · Turn PA Blue:
#Pennsylvania #CallToAction #GOTV #2021Elections
Good morning!
I just adopted 5 more letters for #Virginia from #VoteForward. Why? Because they have a lot left. And they’re only available through Saturday, October 16, when they need to be mailed. And this election is WAY too close.
There can't be a Republican governor for Virginia and we need to hold and flip as many legislative seats for Democrats as possible.
We know that Vote Forward letters work to boost voter turnout. They still need to reach many more VA voters, so please consider writing even 5 if you can. #Virginia #2021Elections #Vote #VoteBlue #CallToAction :CTA: :va: :gotv:
Vote Forward:
#Virginia #VoteForward #2021Elections #Vote #VoteBlue #CallToAction
The people from Vote Save America, who did some of the most effective GOTV work I saw last year, have started a new organization called No Off Years, which will be sending volunteers infrequent but EXCELLENT opportunities to help build and maintain our democracy in 2021.
Their efforts will be focused on three things: increasing voter registration, passing voting rights legislation, and winning in Virginia.
I can’t urge you enough to sign up. We have to channel 2020’s activist energy into the above 3 goals - we’ll run circles around the GOP in 2021, 2022, and beyond if we do.
It's important to talk about what we need to do and what's really going on. It's also important to get involved with efforts that bring action. #CallToAction #DefendDemocracy #2021Elections :CTA:
No Off Years - Vote Save America-
#CallToAction #DefendDemocracy #2021Elections
Pennsylvanians are electing hundreds of School Board members this November. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of dark money from GOP extremist PACs is being dumped into local school board races all over the state promoting anti-mask and anti-vax rhetoric, undermining the foundations of public education and risking the health and safety of children, teachers, and staff.
Why anyone would want to keep turning public safely measures that are nothing new to society into pushing wrong, dangerous conspiracy theories is beyond me, but please help Pennsylvania turn out Democrats to vote like it’s 2020. Write postcards to register Democratic voters in PA. Everything you need to get started is in the link. These races are important as every race is. #Pennsylvania #GOTV #2021Elections #PostcardsToVoters #CallToAction :CTA: :gotv:
Turn PA Blue:
#Pennsylvania #GOTV #2021Elections #PostcardsToVoters #CallToAction
Have some time to help promote democracy and get out the vote for 2 important fall elections?
Postcards to Swing States volunteers have written 27 million postcards since early 2020, and they’re doing another round now for the November elections is NJ and VA (my postcarding hub is about to start work on 2000 of them.) You can sign up to write postcards for this campaign below.
Voters who receive handwritten postcards are significantly more likely to vote. The time to work on getting out the progressive vote for the November elections is now. #GOTV #Virginia #NewJersey #2021Elections #CallToAction :CTA:
Postcards to Swing States - Progressive Turnout Project-
#GOTV #Virginia #NewJersey #2021Elections #CallToAction