🏴 Tai Hâf Cymru Holiday Homes
Map newydd gan @dafyddelfryn o’r #Cyfrifiad2021 Lle mae perchnogion #taihâf #Cymru 🏴 yn byw?
New map by @dafyddelfryn from #2021census Where do the #holidayhome owners of #Wales 🏴 live?
#Wales #holidayhome #2021census #cymru #taihaf #cyfrifiad2021
Just seen the data about sexuality from the #2021Census, 112,000 #pansexuals - for some reason I expected a lot more of us! Though its my first time officially identifying myself as that, I've often put 'prefer not to say' down instead.
International migration accounted for 93.5% of Canada’s population growth in 2021/2022. To learn more, check out our latest data on mobility and migration from the #2021Census: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000801&request_locale=en. #InternationalMigrantsDay
#2021census #internationalmigrantsday
RT @swilk033@twitter.com
Last but not least in my series looking at #religious traditions in #Canada through the #2021Census data on #religion: the (large) group of individuals who respond they have no religion when asked by Stats Can.
#Secularism #secular
#religious #canada #2021census #religion #Secularism #secular
Britain's Census Results: Ethnicity, Religion & Identity
#census #2021census #britain #UK
Britain's Census Results: Ethnicity, Religion & Identity
#tldrnews #census #2021census #britain #UK
Also, interesting changes in national identity, racial and ethnic demographics, and language use.
"The Guardian: Census 2021 in charts: Christianity now minority religion in England and Wales."
#British #Identity #2021census #census #language #society #sociolinguistics #race #ethnicity #BAME #POC #demographics #data #socialscience #England #Wales #UK
#uk #wales #england #socialscience #data #demographics #poc #bame #ethnicity #race #sociolinguistics #society #language #census #2021census #identity #british
Canada rank first in the G7 for the share of working-age people (aged 25 to 64) with a college or university credential (57.5%).
For more info from the #2021Census: http://ow.ly/2TQJ50LQZeS. #CdnEdu