2022 Cyberdeck Contest: Prototype Cyberdeck Is Anything But Questionable - We see many projects here at Hackaday, about which their creators are unreasonably... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/26/2022-cyberdeck-contest-prototype-cyberdeck-is-anything-but-questionable/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #raspberrypi #cyberdecks #cyberdeck #contests #lcd
#lcd #contests #cyberdeck #cyberdecks #raspberrypi #2022cyberdeckcontest
Cyberdeck Contest 2022: Gibson Rev 001 Thinks Outside the Pelican Case - As we’ve gushed previously in these pages, we saw an incredible turnout for our fi... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/25/cyberdeck-contest-2022-gibson-rev-001-thinks-outside-the-pelican-case/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #raspberrypi4 #pelicancase #cyberdecks #contests #e-ink
#e #contests #cyberdecks #pelicancase #raspberrypi4 #2022cyberdeckcontest
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: QAZ Personal Terminal - The slabtop form factor has had a resurgence in the cyberdeck community, and [Greg... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/22/2022-cyberdeck-contest-qaz-personal-terminal/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #waveshare7.9 #35%keyboard #qazkeyboard #cyberdecks #cyberdeck #equations #mathinput #contests #bananapi #slabtop #4:1lcd #slab #4:1
#slab #slabtop #bananapi #contests #mathinput #equations #cyberdeck #cyberdecks #qazkeyboard #waveshare7 #2022cyberdeckcontest
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: A Wrist-Worn Deck with a Hybrid Interface - You’d think that now that the 2022 Cyberdeck Contest is wrapped up, we’d stop writ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/16/2022-cyberdeck-contest-a-wrist-worn-deck-with-a-hybrid-interface/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #cyberdecks #waveshare #contests #wearable #pizerow #pip-boy
#pip #pizerow #wearable #contests #waveshare #cyberdecks #2022cyberdeckcontest
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: IP00-Minus, a Daring Wearable - [Rob]’s IP00-Minus watch stands out on the Cyberdeck Contest project list page; it... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/04/2022-cyberdeck-contest-ip00-minus-a-daring-wearable/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #wearablehacks #cyberdecks #wristwatch
#wristwatch #cyberdecks #wearablehacks #2022cyberdeckcontest
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: A Chorded-Keyboard Wearable Cyberdeck - Those of us who are unreformed hunt-and-peck typists are often baffled by the keyb... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/01/2022-cyberdeck-contest-a-chorded-keyboard-wearable-cyberdeck/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #cyberdecks #wearable #chorded #pipboy
#pipboy #chorded #wearable #cyberdecks #2022cyberdeckcontest
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: The Oscilloscope Deck - When [Jak_o_Shadows] Siglent Oscilloscope died, he didn’t just mourn the loss, he ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/09/30/2022-cyberdeck-contest-the-oscilloscope-deck/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #raspberrypi400 #oscilloscope #cyberdecks
#cyberdecks #oscilloscope #RaspberryPi400 #2022cyberdeckcontest
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: The Folding Mini-Deck - The trend for cyberdecks has brought us many takes on the home-made portable compu... - https://hackaday.com/2022/09/10/2022-cyberdeck-contest-the-folding-mini-deck/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #smallestcyberdeck #tinycyberdeck #tinycomputer #cyberdecks #cyberdeck #contests
#contests #cyberdeck #cyberdecks #tinycomputer #tinycyberdeck #smallestcyberdeck #2022cyberdeckcontest
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: The Black Beast Will Help You Survive a Robot Apocalypse - With AI systems getting smarter every day, one might wonder if they might someday ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/09/04/2022-cyberdeck-contest-the-black-beast-will-help-you-survive-a-robot-apocalypse/ #emergencypreparedness #2022cyberdeckcontest #securityhacks #cyberdecks #apocalypse #ruggedized #cyberdeck #contests
#contests #cyberdeck #ruggedized #apocalypse #cyberdecks #securityhacks #2022cyberdeckcontest #emergencypreparedness
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: Steampunk Cyberdeck is Made From Wood, Leather, Brass and E-Paper - Laptop screens have come a long way ever since the first LCD-equipped portables hi... - https://hackaday.com/2022/08/29/2022-cyberdeck-contest-steampunk-cyberdeck-is-made-from-wood-leather-brass-and-e-paper/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #e-inkdisplay #cyberdecks #cyberdeck #steampunk #contests
#contests #steampunk #cyberdeck #cyberdecks #e #2022cyberdeckcontest
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: Extruded Rig Exudes Coolness - When we came up with the cyberdeck contest, we figured we would see all kinds of b... - https://hackaday.com/2022/08/20/2022-cyberdeck-contest-extruded-rig-exudes-coolness/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #aluminumextrusion #raspberrypi400 #raspberrypi #cyberdecks #contests
#contests #cyberdecks #raspberrypi #RaspberryPi400 #aluminumextrusion #2022cyberdeckcontest