Supercon 2022: Andy Geppert is Bringing Core Memory Back - Many Hackaday readers will be familiar with the term “core memory”, likely thanks ... - #2022hackadaysupercon #magnetic-corememory #hackadaycolumns #retrocomputing #touchscreen #corememory #ledarray #core64 #cons
#cons #core64 #ledarray #corememory #touchscreen #retrocomputing #hackadaycolumns #magnetic #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon 2022: Aedan Cullen is Creating an AR System to Beat the Big Boys - There’s something very tantalizing about an augmented reality (AR) overlay that ca... - #2022hackadaysupercon #augmentedreality #hackadaycolumns #virtualreality #cons
#cons #virtualreality #hackadaycolumns #augmentedreality #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon 2022: Chris Combs Reveals His Art-World Compatibility Layer - [Chris Combs] is a full time artist who loves using technology to create unique ar... - #2022hackadaysupercon #hackadaysupercon #hackadaycolumns #superconvideo #supercon2022 #cons #art
#art #cons #supercon2022 #superconvideo #hackadaycolumns #hackadaysupercon #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon 2022: Irak Mayer Builds Self-Sustainable Outdoor IoT Devices - [Irak Mayer] has been exploring IoT applications for use with remote monitoring of... - #2022hackadaysupercon #internetofthings #hackadaycolumns #solarpower #waterpower #lc709203f #windpower #hardware #turbine #energy #ina219 #esp32 #cons
#cons #esp32 #ina219 #energy #turbine #hardware #windpower #lc709203f #waterpower #solarpower #hackadaycolumns #internetofthings #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon 2022: Michael Whiteley Saves the Badge - Michael Whiteley (aka [compukidmike]) is a badgelife celebrity. Together, he and h... - #2022hackadaysupercon #badgelife #featured #hardware #saintcon #defcon #cons
#cons #defcon #saintcon #hardware #featured #badgelife #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon 2022: Selling Your Company and Not Your Soul - Haddington Dynamics is a particular company. After winning the 2018 Hackaday Prize... - #2022hackadaysupercon #haddingtondynamics #hackadaycolumns #hackadayprize #discussion #dexter #cons
#cons #dexter #discussion #hackadayprize #hackadaycolumns #haddingtondynamics #2022hackadaysupercon
SUPERCON 2022: Kuba Tyszko Cracks Encrypted Software - [Kuba Tyszko] like many of us, has been hacking things from a young age. An early ... - #2022hackadaysupercon #hackadaycolumns #softwarehacks #encryption #openssl #cons #aes
#aes #cons #openssl #encryption #softwarehacks #hackadaycolumns #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon 2022: Sophy Wong Is Making an Impact with Artistic Wearables - Prolific designer and maker Sophy Wong is always looking toward the future, and th... - #2022hackadaysupercon #hackadaycolumns #wearablehacks #chainmaille #cons
#cons #chainmaille #wearablehacks #hackadaycolumns #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon 2022 Badge Gets A Tinkering Helper Add-on - Are you one of the lucky ones to own a Hackaday Supercon 2022 badge? Would you lik... - #2022hackadaysupercon #badgehacking #toolhacks #cp2102 #cons
#cons #cp2102 #toolhacks #badgehacking #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon Balloon W6MRR-26 Continues its World Tour - [Martin Rothfield] and other amateur radio operators from San Francisco High Altit... - #2022hackadaysupercon #highaltitudeballoon #microcontrollers #amateurradio #radiohacks
#radiohacks #amateurradio #microcontrollers #highaltitudeballoon #2022hackadaysupercon
Welcome Back, Supercon! - The last two Novembers, Hackaday’s annual gathering was held in remote mode: Remot... - #2022hackadaysupercon #newsletter #cons
#cons #newsletter #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon Sunday: Check the Live Stream - Supercon is entering the final phase: it’s Sunday! But it’s not over yet: there is... - #2022hackadaysupercon #cons #news
#news #cons #2022hackadaysupercon
Hackaday Prize 2022: Meet the Winners of This Year’s Competition - This year, the 2022 Hackaday Prize challenged hackers and makers in the open sourc... - #2022hackadaysupercon #2022hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #awardsceremony #hackadayprize #cons
#cons #hackadayprize #awardsceremony #thehackadayprize #2022hackadayprize #2022hackadaysupercon
Supercon is On! Join Us! - Supercon is in high gear, after a full day of badge hacking that went well into th... - #2022hackadaysupercon #2022hackadayprize #cons #news
#news #cons #2022hackadayprize #2022hackadaysupercon
2022 Supercon: Schedule Released, and [Odd Jayy] - It’s finally time! We’ve put together the 2022 Supercon Schedule, and you can chec... - #2022hackadaysupercon #2022hackadayprize #hackadaycolumns #badgehacking #news
#news #badgehacking #hackadaycolumns #2022hackadayprize #2022hackadaysupercon
2022 Hackaday Supercon: Joe [Kingpin] Grand Keynote and Workshops Galore - It’s our great pleasure to announce that Joe [Kingpin] Grand is going to be our ke... - #2022hackadaysupercon #hackadaycolumns #extravaganza #cellphone #workshops #joegrand #hacking #keynote #radio #cons
#cons #radio #keynote #hacking #joegrand #workshops #cellphone #extravaganza #hackadaycolumns #2022hackadaysupercon
2022 Hackaday Supercon: Final Talks Announced - The third and final round of the 2022 Supercon talks announcements brings us close... - #2022hackadaysupercon #interest #speakers #talks #cons #news
#news #cons #talks #speakers #interest #2022hackadaysupercon
Why Learn Ancient Tech? - The inner orbits of the Hackaday solar system have been vibrating with the announc... - #2022hackadaysupercon #hackadaycolumns #machinelanguage #computerhacks #retrocomputer #classichacks #vojaantonic #newsletter #rants #badge
#badge #rants #newsletter #vojaantonic #classichacks #retrocomputer #computerhacks #machinelanguage #hackadaycolumns #2022hackadaysupercon
The 2022 Supercon Badge is a Handheld Trip Through Computing History - Over the last several years, there’s been a trend towards designing ever more comp... - #2022hackadaysupercon #hackadaycolumns #badgehacking #badgelife #cons
#cons #badgelife #badgehacking #hackadaycolumns #2022hackadaysupercon
2022 Supercon: More Talks, More Speakers! - Round two of the 2022 Supercon talks is out, and it’s another superb lineup. This ... - #2022hackadaysupercon #hackadaycolumns #announcement #speakers #talks #cons
#cons #talks #speakers #announcement #hackadaycolumns #2022hackadaysupercon