To say it's been a rollercoaster of a year is a massive understatement. It gave us a massive kicking, but it didn't beat us.
"If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through."
- General Melchett, Blackadder Goes Forth
18 months ago my wife, AM, was diagnosed with a rare, currently-incurable cancer - a pulmonary arterial sarcoma. Going by stats, it's incredible that she's still here. She had a sci-fi operation (pulmonary endarterectomy) involving being put into suspended animation, having her blood flow stopped, and tumor removed at a tolerance of 0.3mm. She's finishing this year on her second course of chemo. 2022 was bloody hard, but we're still standing. 💪
What a fun year of projects! By the numbers: 13 books for 6 publishers, 6 different curricula projects for 3 clients, 233 articles: health topics and product reviews, and 39 sets of how-to painting instructions. I'm finishing up a book and workbook by Jan. 10, so hit me with your projects for mid-January and beyond!
#AmEditing #LoveMyWork #Publishing #FreelancerForHire #FreelancerWhoWouldRatherHaveARealJob #RemoteWorking #EndOfTheYear #2022Roundup
#amediting #lovemywork #publishing #freelancerforhire #freelancerwhowouldratherhavearealjob #remoteworking #endoftheyear #2022roundup
2022, I painted as much as I could, whilst also being a mum for my daughter born in March ❤️ I am so appreciative of everyone's support, my family, friends, collectors & everyone who has bought a print - please know it all goes directly to my next painting
Working on moving from small pieces to some big goals in 2023 and I'm itching to start
Prints available:
#portfolio #2022roundup #MastoArt #art
From the 2022 Longform archives: Battle to stop Kagoshima seawall highlights divide over coastal engineering
Concrete seawalls are a fixture on the coast of Japan, but on the island of Amami Oshima in Kagoshima Prefecture, a campaign against the construction of a seawall on Katoku Beach is a rare example of opposition to this kind of infrastructure in Japan.
#jtlongform2022 #2022roundup #environment #japan #beaches
From the 2022 Longform archives: For some shrinking towns in Japan, depopulation isn't all bad news
As the nation grays, municipalities such as Tokigawa are questioning conventional wisdom and searching for creative ways to keep their communities vibrant by drawing in new ideas and talent.
#jtlongform2022 #2022roundup #japan #demographics #aging
From the 2022 Longform archives: Beneath the surface: Are Japan’s iconic hot-spring resources sustainable?
The public and private use of hot springs in modern times is leaving a significant imprint on the environment.
#sustainability #environment #japan
#jtlongform2022 #2022roundup #sustainability #environment #japan
This looks like a good list to bookmark --- --- The best documentaries of 2022. #film #documentary #2022roundup
#film #documentary #2022roundup
From the 2022 Longform archives: Is Japan happy? Exploring the nation’s evolving views of well-being
Japan placed 54th among the 146 countries and regions covered by the World Happiness Report published by the U.N. in March, up two notches from the previous survey but still one of the lowest among developed nations.
#jtlongform2022 #2022roundup #japan #well
From the 2022 Longform archives: Collapsing pyramid: EV shift strikes at heart of Japan’s auto sector
The Japanese auto industry's shift toward electric vehicles is finally gaining momentum, but that it threatens to undermine the special structure that has made the sector an economic pillar.
#electricvehicles #automobiles #business
#jtlongform2022 #2022roundup #electricvehicles #automobiles #business
From the 2022 Longform archives: What evil lurks in the shadow of anonymity?
Fueled by pandemic-induced stress, nameless netizens are directing myriad harmful and threatening messages on the internet with little fear of retribution.
#jtlongform2022 #2022roundup #socialmedia #japan #bullying
From the 2022 Longform archives: Plastic love: Proliferation of PET bottles in Japan complicates a sustainable future
Japan recycles and reuses its ubiquitous plastic container more than almost any other country — but some say it’s still not enough.
#environment #sustainability #Japan
#jtlongform2022 #2022roundup #environment #sustainability #japan
From the 2022 Longform archives: As the crow flies: A bird’s eye view of Japan’s urban ecology
Tokyo’s once booming crow population has plummeted amid the COVID-19 pandemic. What does that mean for the world’s largest city?
#jtlongform2022 #2022roundup #environment #covid #tokyo
From the 2022 Longform archives: Empire of steel: Japan’s railways after 150 years of evolution
Much has changed since the country’s first railway line between Tokyo and Yokohama laid the foundation for a world-renowned network of trains to be created.
#jtlongform2022 #2022roundup #japan #railways
In the final days of 2022, we’re posting a selection of our Longform features from the past year. Enjoy!
First up, a toast to the ancient origins of Japan’s wine culture:
Recent excavations have uncovered Jomon artifacts that could push back our understanding of the nation’s early winemaking techniques by several millennia.
For anyone who's into #archaeology here's a little summary of some major finds during 2022:
#archaeology #excavations #2022roundup #heritage #history #yearinreview
My top 15 reads for 2022. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t whittle them down to 10 🤷🏼♀️
They are in no particular order, all are 5⭐️ reads.
Reviews are all here ➡️
I hope some of these make their way to your shopping basket, it’ll be worth it 📚
Happy reading & wishing you a very Happy New Year 🥳
#2022roundup #bookreviewer #bookworm #bookstodon #books @bookstodon
#2022roundup #bookreviewer #bookworm #bookstodon #books