في الليلة من 26 إلى 27 يناير 2023، مر على بعد 3600 كلم من الأرض الكويكب 2023BU الذي قدر قطره بين 3.5 و 8.5 متر. أكتشف هذا الكويكب يوم 21 يناير 2023 من طرف الفلكي الهاوي قينادي بوريسوف بمرصد مارغو بشبه جزيرة القرم (أوكرانيا).
#فلك #فضاء #كويكب #الأرض #2023BU
#فلك #فضاء #كويكب #الأرض #2023bu
Kleine asteroïde vloog veilig langs de Aarde
Een kleine asteroïde met de aanduiding 2023 BU vloog op 27 januari om 01:29 uur Nederlandse tijd op slechts 3600 kilometer over het zuidelijkste deel van Zuid-Amerika.
#Borisov #2023bu #aardscheerder #asteroide #astronomie
Last night's close Earth visitor #2023BU - https://twitter.com/backman_B09/status/1618766029026652160 - had quite a distinct lightcurve: https://twitter.com/backman_B09/status/1618762606701060098 (with a peak2valley amplitude of almost 1 mag., showing a rotation period of 1.3 minutes).
Last night's close Earth visitor #2023BU - https://twitter.com/backman_B09/status/1618766029026652160 - had quite a distinct lightcurve: https://twitter.com/backman_B09/status/1618762606701060098 (wth a peak2valley amplitude of almost 1 mag., showing a rotation period of 1.3 minutes).
https://sailing-dulce.nl/home/article-7992 Vrijdag 27-01-2023 Een stuk #ruimtepuin met het formaat van een stadsbus scheerde afgelopen nacht dicht langs de aarde. De #asteroïde kreeg de naam #2023bu en werd vorig weekeinde ontdekt door een amateurastronoom op - of all places - de Krim. Hij passeerde de aarde boven de zuidpunt van Zuid-Amerika op niet meer dan 3.600 kilometer, maar door zijn snelheid ontsnapte hij weer uit de zwaartekrachtput van onze planeet...
#2023bu #asteroide #ruimtepuin
🔴 El asteroide #2023BU, del tamaño de un camión, ha hecho uno de los pasos más cercanos de un objeto a la Tierra jamás registrado.
El objeto fue descubierto hace menos de una semana y ha pasado a 3.600 Km de nuestro planeta.
Gast TRIPP eines Asteroiden
Probleme-Experten sind total aufgeregt
EIN relativ kleiner Asteroid
kam geflogen
BU2023 / auch 2023BU oder Asteroid2023BU etc.
Die ISS-Spacestation war wohl nicht in GEFAHR
Zitat NASAAsteroidWatch 26.Januar 2023
#2023bu Asteroid beim
Planetarium von NewYork dargestellt
CCNY Planetarium
Trail of #2023BU. Image from Osservatorio Astronomico Sormano (587) on Jan. 26th, 2023. (A. Carcano, E. Colzani, D. Pezzella)
RT @esaoperations@twitter.com
This evening, a tiny #asteroid will safely fly by Earth 100 x closer than the moon, and 10 x closer than satellites in geostationary orbit (red ring in gif) 👉https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2023/01/Safe_but_very_close_approach_of_small_asteroid_2023_BU
*Asteroid not to scale😀
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/esaoperations/status/1618593440509624320
#asteroid #closeapproach #2023bu
Footage of asteroid #2023BU last night. https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/2023/01/27/near-earth-asteroid-2023-bu-extremely-close-encounter-image-video-and-podcast-26-jan-2023/
Un asteroide ha appena sfiorato la Terra in un evento descritto dalla NASA come "uno degli avvicinamenti più ravvicinati mai registrati da un oggetto vicino alla Terra".
L'asteroide 2023 BU è sfrecciato alle 19:27 (16:27 PT), passando sopra la punta meridionale del Sud America a sole 2.200 migli...
#27Gennaio #News #Space #2023BU #asteroid
#asteroid #2023bu #space #news #27gennaio
A report by the Italian observer - with a timelapse made from the images recorded during the #2023BU webcast: https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/2023/01/27/near-earth-asteroid-2023-bu-extremely-close-encounter-image-video-and-podcast-26-jan-2023/
And here is - after a lengthy cloud delay - Near Earth Asteroid #2023BU live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0sD-qcnvpY (already very fast moving in the sky).
Asteriod #2023BU will flyby (encounter) on Earth this evening. In this Thread we want to cover the flyby.
#2023bu #Asteriod #earth #earthflyby #earthencounter
"NASA System Predicts Small Asteroid to Pass Close by Earth" by @AsteroidWatch / NASA JPL - Newly-discovered #asteroid #2023BU will safely pass by Earth at a distance of 2200mi/3600km at 00:27GMT Jan 27 (hours from now) https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/nasa-system-predicts-small-asteroid-to-pass-close-by-earth-this-week #LowFlyingRocks
#lowflyingrocks #2023bu #asteroid