Podcast: Detente? Christian-Jewish Relations in the Postwar Era
#2023DanDavidPrize winner Karma Ben-Johanan discusses the implications of the Vatican’s new approach to Judaism in the 1960s, across the Catholic world & among Jewish theologians.
#2023dandavidprize #history #religion
The history of animals is a distinctive research area of #2023DanDavidPrize winner Saheed Aderinto, who researches how animals have shifted human experience 👇
We're looking for innovative thinkers like Saheed for the 2024 Dan David Prize: https://dandavidprize.org/nominate/
As #2023DanDavidPrize winner Chao Tayiana Maina explains, #DigitalHumanities enable us to "do History" in new ways.
Know someone doing excellent work in the digital humanities space? Nominate them for the 2024 Dan David Prize: https://dandavidprize.org/nominate/
Deadline: 11 Oct, 2023 ⏳
#2023dandavidprize #digitalhumanities
“I want my grandchildren to find their answers in my work” - Chao Tayiana Maina in The Guardian.
#2023DanDavidPrize winner Chao Tayiana Maina on her work, which fills in gaps in the historical narrative & centers African stories within digital spaces:
"Being able to have critical, nuanced & informed conversations, whether in the classroom or elsewhere, helps us understand not only the past, but also the world in which we live today..."
#2023DanDavidPrize winner Krista Goff speaks to the value of historical debate & learning👇
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #soviet #imperialism
Saheed Aderinto "…situates African history at the vanguard of radical trends in histories of sexuality, of nonhumans, & violence...[his] work is marked by creative edginess."
Comments from the #2023DanDavidPrize selection committee about winner Saheed Aderinto👇
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #africa #nigeria #animals
"As a descendant of enslaved people, the history of slavery is deeply personal for me...I was drawn to the history of slavery because of a profound longing to know more about myself & my ancestors"
#2023DanDavidPrize winner Stephanie Jones-Rogers on why she does what she does 👇
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #blackhistory #ushistory #womenshistory
The #2023DanDavidPrize selection committee noted that Karma Ben-Johanan's research "explores & explains the tension between religious difference, religious polemic & religious hostility with searing clarity & intelligence.”
Listen to Karma talk about her work in her own words👇
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #religion #religiousstudies #jewish #christian
How do we reckon with historical trauma, especially when it's impact continues to be felt in the present?
Watch the #2023HistoryDay panel "Histories of troubled & troubling relationships" with Stephanie Jones-Rogers & Karma Ben Johanan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuB8me_P0gE #2023DanDavidPrize
#2023historyday #2023dandavidprize
#2023DanDavidPrize winner Adam Clulow is fascinated by "people caught between cultures, trying to navigate the first "great age of globalization" in the 17th Century..." 🌏
For Adam, finding their stories in the archive "has been one of the most exciting parts of my career." 👇
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #eastasia #japan
"[History] is the foundation of who we are, how we navigate the world, how we see ourselves & really how we make decisions about very crucial things in our lives & in the lives of other people"
#2023DanDavidPrize winner Chao Tayiana Maina explains what history means for her 👇
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #publichistory #digitalhumanities #africa
The #2023DanDavidPrize selection committee said that by "using case files to shed light on the traumatic experiences of ‘ordinary’ people, Ana Antic has developed a highly original approach to exploring subjects of great historical significance"
Learn more about Ana's work👇
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #psychology #psychiatry #ptsd
“Burton’s work is innovative in bringing the history of genetics & biology into modern Middle Eastern history & in tying scientific developments to wider & crucial questions of race, ethnicity & identity"
#2023DanDavidPrize selection committee on the work of Elise K. Burton 👇
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #histsci #middleeast #genetics
"Every time we breathe in, or we eat things with a little bit of dust, we're actually eating or breathing a portion - a microscopic portion - of the environment we experience during life”
#2023DanDavidPrize winner Anita Radini shows how dust particles can unearth new histories👇
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #archaeology #animation
“If you really want to learn about a society and its values, you need to learn how they think about what makes us human"
#2023DanDavidPrize winner Ana Antic interviewed by The Jerusalem Post - how politics, violence, psychology & colonization intersect.
#2023dandavidprize #histodon #histodons #history
"Ancient plaque analysis has been revealing dietary secrets & unexpected origins from the deepest prehistory. Now Dan David prizewinner Anita Radini takes the science to a new level: detecting ancient occupations"
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #histodon
"Ancient plaque analysis has been revealing dietary secrets & unexpected origins from the deepest prehistory. Now Dan David prizewinner Anita Radini takes the science to a new level: detecting ancient occupations"
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #histodon
"Ancient plaque analysis has been revealing dietary secrets & unexpected origins from the deepest prehistory. Now Dan David prizewinner Anita Radini takes the science to a new level: detecting ancient occupations"
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #histodon
"Ancient plaque analysis has been revealing dietary secrets & unexpected origins from the deepest prehistory. Now Dan David prizewinner Anita Radini takes the science to a new level: detecting ancient occupations"
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #histodon
Award ceremony ready 📸
We recently celebrated the outstanding research accomplished by the #2023DanDavidPrize winners at the annual award ceremony.
You can watch the full ceremony here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvZiT2UwC4E
#2023dandavidprize #histodons #histodon #historian