Animations of #asteroid #2023DZ2 at maximum brightness (about 10th mag.) as seen from Abu Dhabi in the #UAE some 5 hours ago: ->
In 10 minutes asteroid #2023DZ2 - - will be closest to Earth: (the asteroid should have reached 10th magnitude today - but I couldn't care less because in Europe it only rises tomorrow morning when already down to 11th or 12th mag. and will be poorly placed in the sky anyway).
#Asteroid #2023DZ2 diameter 160ft/50m may sound familiar. It's the same as the estimated size of the impactor that created Meteor Crater in Arizona. Crater 0.75mi/1.2km wide, like a stadium for 2 million people. (My pic Dec 2010) #astronomy #geology #LowFlyingRocks
#lowflyingrocks #geology #astronomy #2023dz2 #asteroid
"An airplane-sized asteroid will pass between the Earth and moon's orbits Saturday" by @NPR - 160ft/50m diameter #asteroid #2023DZ2 which was discovered a month ago will make 100,000mi/160,000km flyby. Not on impact trajectory. #astronomy #LowFlyingRocks
#lowflyingrocks #astronomy #2023dz2 #asteroid
Update Asteroid 2023 DZ2 - Annäherung an Erde am 25.03.2023 - Invidious
.....interessantes Video zur Annnäherung des Asteroid an die Erde.
"Large asteroid coming close, but zero chance of hitting us
(...) Discovered a month ago, the asteroid known as 2023 DZ2 will pass within 320,000 miles (515,000 kilometers) of the moon on Saturday and, several hours later, buzz the Indian Ocean at about 17,500 mph (28,000 kph).
"There is no chance of this 'city killer' striking Earth, but its close approach offers a great opportunity for observations," the European Space Agency's planetary defense chief Richard Moissl said in a statement."
Damn it. Maybe next time.
If a "city-killer" asteroid is ever on collision course with Earth, can we vote on the city? #2023DZ2
#Asteroid #Astronomie #astronomy #NEA (near-Earth asteroids) #2023DZ2
Mit einem Fernglas oder Teleskop kann der Asteroid 2023 DZ2 beobachtet werden.
Der Asteroid soll laut der Esa am Samstag gegen 20:50 Uhr "nah" an der Erde vorbeifliegen.
Er soll 40-90 Meter lang sein.
Und in 168.000 km Entfernung an uns vorbeifliegen (zwischen Mond und Erde).
Ein Asteroid dieser Größe kommt alle 10 Jahre mal vorbei.
Hier nach Süden schauen im Sternbild Krebs und ca. 41 Grad über dem Horizont.
#asteroid #astronomie #astronomy #nea #2023dz2
Both ~60-meter Near-Earth #Asteroids with possible impacts this century, #2023DW and #2023DZ2, have now been removed - thanks to further astrometry - from the risk list:
Earth will have a close shave from newly-discovered #asteroid #2023DZ2 and will pass less than half the Moon's distance on March 25. About 200' wide, it will get as bright as magnitude 9.7, putting it in the range of binoculars. Preliminary analysis of the space rock’s trajectory suggests an improbable 1-in-38,000,000 chance that the asteroid will impact Earth on March 27, 2026.
The impact probability of #asteroid #2023DZ2 (in 2026) has now shrunk to one in 71,000 or one in 530,000 according to further calculations by JPL and ESA, respectively, using astrometry from 14 January til today. (And #2023DW has no longer any chance to collide with Earth in 2046).
Buone notizie sull'#asteroide #2023DZ2, che si avvicinerà molto alla Terra il 27 marzo 2026 (oltre a passare a metà della distanza Terra-Luna fra pochi giorni, il 25 marzo). Nuove osservazioni riducono il rischio di impatto
An erroneous "all clear" for #asteroid #2023DZ2 has been retracted (in a personal mail from the originator): with an observational arc from Jan. 14 to March 18 P_impact (2026) is now 1 in 430, according to Whatever its plans, the asteroid will be an interesting #sky object a week from now: - according to my calculations with the asteroid will be ninth magnitude in Virgo for three hours around 17:00 UTC on 25 March 2023.
Seems #asteroid #2023DZ2 is no longer posing any impact risk: But it will be an interesting #sky object a week from now: - according to my calculations with the asteroid will be ninth magnitude in Virgo for three hours around 17:00 UTC on 25 March 2023.
Il punto su #2023DZ2, l'#asteroide scoperto di recente e ora balzato in cima alla graduatoria delle rocce spaziali più pericolose
Nuovo #asteroide in cima alla lista dei più pericolosi: #2023DZ2 ha un diametro di 60 metri e una possibilità su 621 di colpire la Terra il 27 marzo 2026. Scende al 5° posto #2023DW: nuovi calcoli indicano una probabilità di impatto di 1/5847 il 14/2/2046
With #2023DW now declared mostly harmless, here is the next #asteroid to keep an eye on ... but what is newly discovered - - #2023DZ2 (ca. 60 meters in size) up to? (with observations spanning 17 days until today) sees an #impact probability of 1 in 580 in March 2026 but (lacking astrometry after March 1st) does not confirm this yet.
#impact #2023dz2 #asteroid #2023dw