72. #FearfulSymmetries (#PelgranePress) Archie and Cassie are dealing with the consequences of interacting with the mythic underpinning of the Dreamlands. And Archie is also having strange dreams, in the Dreamlands, of his girlfriend and snakes. It's all very Jungian it seems.
#FearfulSymmetries #PelgranePress #ttrpg #2023games
68. #Troika (#MelsoniaArtsCouncil) We're still out in the desert dealing with rogue ancient technology which has forsaken its programming and now wants a very different lifestyle. Somehow we bring it round and then claim the reward from both parties with an interest in our mission. We're swimming in water!
#troika #melsoniaartscouncil #ttrpg #2023games
69. #FearfulSymmetries (#Pelgrane) Even deeper mysteries were plumbed this week. What does the text in the second chamber mean, why the references to the Hyades, and what, dear god!, of the titanic corpses in the third chamber?
#FearfulSymmetries #pelgrane #ttrpg #2023games #session285
68. #Troika (#MelsoniaArtsCouncil) A new game this week as I get to play for a change. We intrepid explorers of the unknown set out across the desert to see what is messing with the drug trade. Almost lost a PC in the first skirmish, Troika is very unforgiving. But it's great gonzo fun generally as we cross the tropes and find mad solutions to crazy problems.
#troika #melsoniaartscouncil #ttrpg #2023games
65. #FearfulSymmetries (#Pelgrane) Big things happened in tonight's game, sanity was lost and things were irrevocably changed. Great session in the Dreamlands, confronting the mixing of an ancient and a recent evil.
#FearfulSymmetries #pelgrane #ttrpg #2023games
66. #Playtest (#Incognito) Back to this mystery game and a proper session zero in which we discussed setting, theme and what the PCs want from each other, and can't have. So a little bit of #DramaSystem creeping in there.
#playtest #incognito #dramasystem #ttrpg #2023games
65. #FearfulSymmetries (#Pelgrane) Almost 3 weeks without a game 😱. Archie and Cassie find the camp of the person they are following but she has disappeared. What with somnambulant people wandering about the mountain and a stone age encampment made of bones in a forest outside a ruined and abandoned city, there's a lot going on for such a remote place.
#FearfulSymmetries #pelgrane #ttrpg #2023games
Other games played were (1 session unless specified):
Mutant Year Zero (4)
Tiny in the Tower (4)
Skate Wizards (2)
Blade Runner
Les Mystères de Paris
Over The Edge
NDA playtest
Mork Borg
Darkness of the Demimonde
So 14 different systems in all.
So far this year, I've played 64 sessions of RPGs. I've gamed in person twice, the rest online.19 as a player in 12 different systems and 25 as a GM in three different systems.
I've run Trail of Cthulhu 25 times, 22 times for Fearful Symmetries and my Abbots Bromley game thrice, once as a one off in person game, and three times on line.
I've run 13th Age 17 times online and played once in person.
I ran Trophy Gold, one incursion, over 3 sessions.
60. #13thAge (#Pelgrane) - The last session in this campaign that started as one shot last October. The PCs bust out of the mine and fight the dwarven constructs in their mech! This ends in a tussle against a battlebot armed with twin chainswords. They shoot its legs out and slowly wittle it down before the Commander/Druid calls down lighting and destroys it. The blowback takes out the PCs mech too but they win and free the mine for the Drow to takeover. Epilogues all round.
#13thage #pelgrane #ttrpg #2023games
50. #13thAge (#Pelgrane) - All five PCs back tonight. They infiltrate the dwarven mines via the meteor tunnel and see what the constructs are up to. They find the big statue and get inside, there's a centurion in there and some spiders who take down the ranger, but he's soon back and they have the statue. The Druid is tempted to destroy but instead powers it up with lightning and they are mobile!
#13thage #pelgrane #ttrpg #2023games
57.#DarknessoftheDemimonde (#RavenGodGames ) A Victorian urban fantasy, dealing with the weirdness of London. This was kickstarted recently and plays well. Almost the same simple system as #TinyInTheTower (2d6+stat v Diff), but with a savage death spiral for enemies. Still a few typos.
Got to play with @karohemd (Paula says hi!) which was a treat and had great fun poking around Houndsditch for vampires.
#darknessofthedemimonde #ravengodgames #tinyinthetower #ttrpg #2023games
56.#TinyInTheTower (#RebellionUnplugged) A final short session to finish off our adventure in the wizard's tower - more murderous animals, and a nice tying together of all the loose ends. Good fun!
#tinyinthetower #rebellionunplugged #ttrpg #2023games
55. #FearfulSymmetries (#Pelgrane) Dealing with the fallout from having despatched an old enemy, and now a chase to Mt Lerion to find her ward. But what of the strange symbol, the chimes, the weird bottles? How can a place haunt a person?
#FearfulSymmetries #pelgrane #ttrpg #2023games
54. #MutantYearZero (#FriaLigan) Back in post-apocalyptic London, shaking down some ghouls. I don't favour such a swingy system, but we're certainly having fun picking through the debris. It's like going down the dump when I was a kid.
#MutantYearZero #FriaLigan #ttrpg #2023games
53. #MorkBorg (Ockult Ortmastere Games) A scenario playtest as part of the Good Friends weekend. Ably written, illustrated and run by @EvlynMoreau, we all enjoyed getting into character for our various doomed scoundrels and creeping round an ancient tomb. I made stout use of Poltroon, my clownish man servant, whom Evlyn played to a T.
#MorkBorg #ttrpg #2023games #goodfriends
52. #Dreamland (https://www.dreamrpg.com/) I played this playtest as part of the Good Friends weekend. It's a game by Jason Bradley Thompson, who did the DQOUK graphic Novel. It has a novel card and word mechanic which is a bit slow to start but you can use https://playingcards.io/ to good effect. It very much captures the oneiric mode and I'd been keen to play again.
51. #TinyInTheTowers(#RebellionUnplugged) A second session in the tower. It's quite good fun, but any tension is evaporated by my murderous fighter making very quick work of a potentially dangerous enemy - one blow, off with its head.
#tinyinthetowers #rebellionunplugged #ttrpg #2023games