Tyler Peddle – Columbus Blue jackets – 224th Overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #CanadianHockeyLeague #CHL #ColumbusBlueJackets #ConnorBedard #DrummondvilleVoltigeurs #EasternConference #echl #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #MemorialCup #MetropolitanDivision #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PeterboroughPetes #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #SeattleThunderbirds #TopProspect #TylerPeddle #WHL #WHLPlayoffs
#2023memorialcup #ahl #canadianhockeyleague #chl #columbusbluejackets #connorbedard #drummondvillevoltigeurs #easternconference #echl #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #memorialcup #metropolitandivision #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #peterboroughpetes #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #seattlethunderbirds #topprospect #tylerpeddle #whl #whlplayoffs Connor Levis – Winnipeg Jets – 210th Overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #CanadianHockeyLeague #CentralDivision #CHL #ConnorBedard #ConnorLevis #echl #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #MemorialCup #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PeterboroughPetes #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #SeattleThunderbirds #TopProspect #WesternConference #WHL #WHLPlayoffs #WinnipegJets
#2023memorialcup #ahl #canadianhockeyleague #centraldivision #chl #connorbedard #connorlevis #echl #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #memorialcup #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #peterboroughpetes #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #seattlethunderbirds #topprospect #westernconference #whl #whlplayoffs #winnipegjets Scott Ratzlaff – Buffalo Sabres – 141st Overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #AtlanticDivision #BuffaloSabres #CanadianHockeyLeague #CHL #ConnorBedard #EasternConference #echl #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #MemorialCup #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PeterboroughPetes #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #ScottRatzlaff #SeattleThunderbirds #TopProspect #WHL #WHLPlayoffs
#2023memorialcup #ahl #atlanticdivision #buffalosabres #canadianhockeyleague #chl #connorbedard #easternconference #echl #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #memorialcup #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #peterboroughpetes #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #scottratzlaff #seattlethunderbirds #topprospect #whl #whlplayoffs Luca Cagnoni – San Jose Sharks – 123rd Overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #CanadianHockeyLeague #CHL #ConnorBedard #echl #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #LucaCagnoni #MemorialCup #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PacificDivision #PeterboroughPetes #PortlandWinterhawks #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #SanJoseSharks #SeattleThunderbirds #TopProspect #WesternConference #WHL #WHLPlayoffs
#2023memorialcup #ahl #canadianhockeyleague #chl #connorbedard #echl #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #lucacagnoni #memorialcup #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #pacificdivision #peterboroughpetes #portlandwinterhawks #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #sanjosesharks #seattlethunderbirds #topprospect #westernconference #whl #whlplayoffs Ethan Miedema – Buffalo Sabres – 109th Overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #AtlanticDivision #BuffaloSabres #CanadianHockeyLeague #CHL #ConnorBedard #EasternConference #echl #EthanMiedema #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #KingstonFrontenacs #MemorialCup #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PeterboroughPetes #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #SeattleThunderbirds #TopProspect #WHL #WHLPlayoffs
#2023memorialcup #ahl #atlanticdivision #buffalosabres #canadianhockeyleague #chl #connorbedard #easternconference #echl #ethanmiedema #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #kingstonfrontenacs #memorialcup #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #peterboroughpetes #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #seattlethunderbirds #topprospect #whl #whlplayoffs Alex Pharand – Chicago Blackhawks – 99th Overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #AlexPharand #CanadianHockeyLeague #CentralDivision #ChicagoBlackhawks #CHL #ConnorBedard #echl #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #MemorialCup #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PeterboroughPetes #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #SeattleThunderbirds #SudburyWolves #TopProspect #WesternConference #WHL #WHLPlayoffs
#2023memorialcup #ahl #alexpharand #canadianhockeyleague #centraldivision #chicagoblackhawks #chl #connorbedard #echl #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #memorialcup #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #peterboroughpetes #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #seattlethunderbirds #sudburywolves #topprospect #westernconference #whl #whlplayoffs Denver Barkey – Philadelphia Flyers – 95th Overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #CanadianHockeyLeague #CHL #ConnorBedard #DenverBarkey #EasternConference #echl #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #LondonKnights #MemorialCup #MetropolitanDivision #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PeterboroughPetes #PhiladelphiaFlyers #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #SeattleThunderbirds #TopProspect #WHL #WHLPlayoffs
#2023memorialcup #ahl #canadianhockeyleague #chl #connorbedard #denverbarkey #easternconference #echl #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #londonknights #memorialcup #metropolitandivision #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #peterboroughpetes #philadelphiaflyers #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #seattlethunderbirds #topprospect #whl #whlplayoffs Gracyn Sawchyn – Florida Panthers – 63rd overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #AtlanticDivision #CanadianHockeyLeague #CHL #ConnorBedard #EasternConference #echl #FloridaPanthers #GracynSawchyn #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #MemorialCup #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PeterboroughPetes #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #SeattleThunderbirds #TopProspect #WHL #WHLPlayoffs
#2023memorialcup #ahl #atlanticdivision #canadianhockeyleague #chl #connorbedard #easternconference #echl #floridapanthers #gracynsawchyn #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #memorialcup #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #peterboroughpetes #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #seattlethunderbirds #topprospect #whl #whlplayoffs Ethan Gauthier – Tampa Bay Lightning – 37th Overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #AtlanticDivision #CanadianHockeyLeague #CHL #ConnorBedard #DrummondvilleVoltigeurs #EasternConference #echl #EthanGauthier #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #MemorialCup #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PeterboroughPetes #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #SeattleThunderbirds #SherbrookePhœnix #TampaBayLightning #TopProspect #WHL #WHLPlayoffs
#2023memorialcup #ahl #atlanticdivision #canadianhockeyleague #chl #connorbedard #drummondvillevoltigeurs #easternconference #echl #ethangauthier #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #memorialcup #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #peterboroughpetes #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #seattlethunderbirds #sherbrookephœnix #tampabaylightning #topprospect #whl #whlplayoffs Tanner Molendyk – Nashville Predators – 24th Overall #2023MemorialCup #AHL #CanadianHockeyLeague #CentralDivision #CHL #ConnorBedard #echl #HockeyCanada #JuniorHockey #KamloopsBlazers #MemorialCup #NashvillePredators #NHL #NHLDraft #NHLProspect #OHL #OHLPlayoffs #PeterboroughPetes #qmjhl #QMJHLPlayoffs #QuébecRemparts #SaskatoonBlades #SeattleThunderbirds #TannerMolendyk #TopProspect #WesternConference #WHL #WHLPlayoffs
#2023memorialcup #ahl #canadianhockeyleague #centraldivision #chl #connorbedard #echl #hockeycanada #juniorhockey #kamloopsblazers #memorialcup #nashvillepredators #nhl #nhldraft #nhlprospect #ohl #ohlplayoffs #peterboroughpetes #qmjhl #qmjhlplayoffs #quebecremparts #saskatoonblades #seattlethunderbirds #tannermolendyk #topprospect #westernconference #whl #whlplayoffs
Blue Jackets Find Another Gem in Memorial Cup MVP Malatesta
The 103rd Memorial Cup just wrapped in Kamloops with the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League's (QMJHL) Quebec Remparts leaving the belle of the ball. They slayed both giants from the Western Hockey League (WHL) - the Kamloops Blazers and the Seattl...
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#BlueJacketsProspects #QMJHL #2023MemorialCup #JamesMalatesta
#NHL #Hockey
#BlueJacketsProspects #qmjhl #2023memorialcup #jamesmalatesta #nhl #hockey
Québec Remparts Crowned 2023 Memorial Cup Champions
For the third time in their history, the Québec Remparts are Memorial Cup champions after defeating the Seattle Thunderbirds 5-0. This is the second time they have defeated a Western Hockey League (WHL) team en route to a championship, having bea...
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#QMJHL #WHL #2023MemorialCup #PatrickRoy #QuebecRemparts #WilliamRousseau
#NHL #Hockey
#qmjhl #whl #2023memorialcup #patrickroy #quebecremparts #williamrousseau #nhl #hockey
Global News BC: Quebec Remparts win 2023 Memorial Cup #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #QuebecMajorJuniorHockeyLeague #OntarioHockeyLeague #SeattleThunderbirds #WesternHockeyLeague #2023MemorialCup #QuebecRemparts #JuniorHockey #MemorialCup #Kamloops #Sports #Hockey #QMJHL #WHL
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #quebecmajorjuniorhockeyleague #ontariohockeyleague #seattlethunderbirds #WesternHockeyLeague #2023memorialcup #quebecremparts #JuniorHockey #memorialcup #kamloops #sports #hockey #qmjhl #WHL
Maple Leafs’ Fraser Minten Taking Strides in Development
At the moment, the Kamloops Blazers are in the midst of defending home ice at the 2023 Memorial Cup as the host city and one of two WHL teams vying for the big win. For Toronto Maple Leafs’ fans and those inv...
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#TorontoMapleLeafs #WHL #2023MemorialCup #FraserMinten #HayleyWickenheiser #KamloopsBlazers
#NHL #Hockey
#torontomapleleafs #whl #2023memorialcup #FraserMinten #HayleyWickenheiser #kamloopsblazers #nhl #hockey
2023 Memorial Cup: 3 Takeaways From Québec’s Win Over Seattle
The Québec Remparts are Memorial Cup Final bound after defeating the Seattle Thunderbirds 3-1 during round-robin play. Despite each team having one more game, the Remparts hold the tiebreaker over the Thunderbirds and Kamloops ...
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#CHL #QMJHL #WHL #2023MemorialCup #TheoRochette #WilliamRousseau
#NHL #Hockey
#CHL #qmjhl #whl #2023memorialcup #theorochette #williamrousseau #nhl #hockey
Canucks Prospects Report: Silovs Wins Bronze, MVP & More
In the final Vancouver Canucks Prospects Report of the 2022-23 season, Arturs Silovs was a superstar for Team Latvia at the 2023 World Championship and walked away with a bronze medal and a bunch...
#CanucksProspects #Column #2023IIHFWorldChampionship #2023MemorialCup #ArtursSilovs #ConnorLockhart
#NHL #Hockey
#CanucksProspects #column #2023iihfworldchampionship #2023memorialcup #arturssilovs #ConnorLockhart #nhl #hockey
2023 Memorial Cup: 3 Takeaways From Seattle’s Win Over Petes
Day 2 of the 2023 Memorial Cup is finished as the Seattle Thunderbirds took care of business with a 6-3 victory over the Peterborough Petes. While the game score was close, Seattle was the better team throughout, o...
#OHL #WHL #2023MemorialCup #OwenBeck #PeterboroughPetes #SeattleThunderbirds
#NHL #Hockey
#ohl #whl #2023memorialcup #owenbeck #peterboroughpetes #SeattleThunderbirds #nhl #hockey
Global News BC: 2023 Memorial Cup: Quebec Remparts open tournament with 8-3 win over Kamloops Blazers #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #2023MemorialCup #KamloopsBlazers #QuebecRemparts #MemorialCup #BCInterior #BCHockey #Kamloops #Sports #CHL #OHL #WHL
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #2023memorialcup #kamloopsblazers #quebecremparts #memorialcup #BCInterior #bchockey #kamloops #sports #chl #ohl #WHL
Global News BC: 2023 Memorial Cup: Head coaches discuss upcoming tournament in Kamloops #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SeattleThunderbirds #WesternHockeyLeague #PeterboroughPetes #2023MemorialCup #KamloopsBlazers #QuebecRemparts #JuniorHockey #MemorialCup #PatrickRoy #Kamloops #Sports #Hockey #WHL
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #seattlethunderbirds #WesternHockeyLeague #peterboroughpetes #2023memorialcup #kamloopsblazers #quebecremparts #JuniorHockey #memorialcup #patrickroy #kamloops #sports #hockey #WHL