Donevon Martinez · @donevon
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

We are all a work in progress, stay consistent, and you won't see the progress in one day, but over time, a whole new you is just waiting to be sculpted and brought to life!

#art #selfhelp #motivation #2023theme

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm not sure where I went · @Eignablanco
72 followers · 324 posts · Server

, , . I've been struggling to find for planning out the and setting . After the agonising past few years we've been out thru, I have nothing left to give to ambition, no drive. My usual charts and spreadsheets have me feeling even more dead inside. I needed my heart to find the way this time, my head is wiped out.
Then this just exploded in my heart, this is it.

#xavierrudd #australia #2023theme #goals #newyear #inspiration #cherish #breathe #followthesun

Last updated 2 years ago