@2_Wheeled_Wolf my 48v Bafang does 45mph on a flat stretch!


Last updated 2 years ago

Late at night I hear drivers roar past my house on NE Ainsworth (a tree-lined residential street where people jog and walk their dogs) way faster than the speed limit, and every time I imagine setting up a speed activated booby trap that pelts their car with paint balls filled with aircraft paint remover.


Last updated 2 years ago

RBK Greens · @rbkgreens
125 followers · 708 posts · Server mastodon.green

Whole scale speed reduction in urban areas saves lives. And reduces injuries to people

In the blanket speed limit of 20 was bought in because Green Party former Cllr Sharron Sumner fought for it. In it took three attempts because the LibDems were at war with each other

Elsewhere in the borough the LibDems wonโ€™t bring it in

We say look after people first - reduce speed

#tempolimit #20IsPlenty #speedlimit #Surbiton #kingston #speedkills

Last updated 2 years ago

Stripymoggie · @Stripymoggie
163 followers · 205 posts · Server mastodon.ie

"The Belfast scheme, which was restricted to city centre streets, led to a two per cent drop in casualties and collisions. The researchers said the results reflected the schemeโ€™s narrower reach and its implementation in an area where traffic speeds were already low."

This shows the complete lack of ambition by the Department for Infrastructure. They'd rather spend ยฃ110m on a non-existent road, than make a real change for vulnerable road users and quality of life.


Last updated 2 years ago

Stripymoggie · @Stripymoggie
163 followers · 205 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Context is key here. In Belfast the area covered by the 20mph is very limited and includes shopping precincts. The average speed before the trial was already less than 20mph, so reducing the limit had little to no effect.
And now this study is used to oppose 20mph limits elsewhere. It has to be noted that the same study found that the reduction in speed limits in Edinburgh was effective.
BBC News - Wales 20mph: Speed limit did not cut Belfast crashes - study


Last updated 2 years ago

While we welcome the introduction of 20 mph streets across most of Kingston & North Kingston, there was a missed opportunity to ensure all RBK streets in the neighbourhood were 20 MPH

We hope and we will press for the whole borough to be 20 MPH

is an issue that affects us all

#20IsPlenty #roadsafety

Last updated 2 years ago

evergreen pine · @t54r4n1
865 followers · 39860 posts · Server mspsocial.net
Fire Wally · @firewally
334 followers · 5821 posts · Server mspsocial.net

Shout out to the deer in this photo for doing a heck of a job traffic calming on Cedar Lake pkwy

#visionzero #StopForMe #20IsPlenty

Last updated 5 years ago