Spent the night wasting time and wasting dinosaurs.
Also, the Xbox app on Windows just plain sucks!
The MajorLinux Show: Time Wasters, 20 Minutes till Dawn, and Exoprimal https://majorlinux.com/the-majorlinux-show-time-wasters-20-minutes-till-dawn-and-exoprimal/
#20MinutesTillDawn #Capcom #Exoprimal #Streaming #TimeWasters #Twitch #YouTube #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#20minutestilldawn #capcom #exoprimal #streaming #timewasters #twitch #youtube #BlackMastodon #blackfedi
Spent the night wasting time and wasting dinosaurs.
Also, the Xbox app on Windows just plain sucks!
The MajorLinux Show: Time Wasters, 20 Minutes till Dawn, and Exoprimal https://majorlinux.com/the-majorlinux-show-time-wasters-20-minutes-till-dawn-and-exoprimal/
#20MinutesTillDawn #Capcom #Exoprimal #Streaming #TimeWasters #Twitch #YouTube #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#20minutestilldawn #capcom #exoprimal #streaming #timewasters #twitch #youtube #BlackMastodon #blackfedi
Spent the night wasting time and wasting dinosaurs.
Also, the Xbox app on Windows just plain sucks!
The MajorLinux Show: Time Wasters, 20 Minutes till Dawn, and Exoprimal https://majorlinux.com/the-majorlinux-show-time-wasters-20-minutes-till-dawn-and-exoprimal/
#20MinutesTillDawn #Capcom #Exoprimal #Streaming #TimeWasters #Twitch #YouTube #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#20minutestilldawn #capcom #exoprimal #streaming #timewasters #twitch #youtube #BlackMastodon #blackfedi
Spent the night wasting time and wasting dinosaurs.
Also, the Xbox app on Windows just plain sucks!
The MajorLinux Show: Time Wasters, 20 Minutes till Dawn, and Exoprimal https://majorlinux.com/the-majorlinux-show-time-wasters-20-minutes-till-dawn-and-exoprimal/
#20MinutesTillDawn #Capcom #Exoprimal #Streaming #TimeWasters #Twitch #YouTube #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#20minutestilldawn #capcom #exoprimal #streaming #timewasters #twitch #youtube #BlackMastodon #blackfedi
Spent the night wasting time and wasting dinosaurs.
Also, the Xbox app on Windows just plain sucks!
The MajorLinux Show: Time Wasters, 20 Minutes till Dawn, and Exoprimal https://majorlinux.com/the-majorlinux-show-time-wasters-20-minutes-till-dawn-and-exoprimal/
#20MinutesTillDawn #Capcom #Exoprimal #Streaming #TimeWasters #Twitch #YouTube #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#20minutestilldawn #capcom #exoprimal #streaming #timewasters #twitch #youtube #BlackMastodon #blackfedi
Spent the night wasting time and wasting dinosaurs.
Also, the Xbox app on Windows just plain sucks!
The MajorLinux Show: Time Wasters, 20 Minutes till Dawn, and Exoprimal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeSu5bDaZjM
#TimeWasters #20MinutesTillDawn #Exoprimal #Capcom #Streaming #Twitch #YouTube #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#timewasters #20minutestilldawn #exoprimal #capcom #streaming #twitch #youtube #BlackMastodon #blackfedi