RT from Air Recognition (@AirRecognition)
#AirbusHelicopters conducts qualification campaign for #Nexter #20mm pod on #H225MCaracal helicopter
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/AirRecognition/status/1671095568825827328
#airbushelicopters #nexter #20mm #h225mcaracal
For a while, I was running a cheap #fisheye adapter on a #20mm lens to get close to 180° — It was fun, and I want to do it again, but also, I don't want to be that close to people anymore. #StreetPhotography #TheBeforeTimes #Tokyo #GinzaLine #Subway #Photography
#fisheye #20mm #streetphotography #TheBeforeTimes #tokyo #ginzaline #subway #photography
RT @_jerryjenkins@twitter.com
Many congratulations @Dozibugger@twitter.com for giving such a great introduction to our hobby to Messers @almurray@twitter.com & @James1940@twitter.com on the @WeHaveWaysPod@twitter.com, very much enjoyed listening as I continued to work on my #20mm BEF for #ChainofCommand.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_jerryjenkins/status/1619732357942251520
Here's a few of my pics from the other place: Battletech WIPs, squigs, and tanks for the SCW
#BattleTech #squigs #AgeOfSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #20mm #SCWGaming #6mmGaming
#battletech #squigs #ageofsigmar #WarhammerCommunity #20mm #scwgaming #6mmgaming