Go Staveley! Or rather Go Slowly Stavelely!
As I very been here almost a week, it's time to do the decent thing and write an intro. I retired after 39 yrs in Local Government in various roles.
My interests now are #dogs #Salukis #Lurchers #politics #climate #RoadSafety #ActiveTravel #20sPlenty #SpeedWatch #ElectricVehicles #MakeVotesMatter #ProportionalRepresentation #GetTheToriesOut #Nationalisation #NHS #ProgressiveAlliance
I'm working my way through #fedi-tips and slowly learning how to do this.
#dogs #Salukis #lurchers #politics #Climate #roadsafety #activetravel #20sPlenty #speedwatch #ElectricVehicles #makevotesmatter #proportionalrepresentation #GetTheToriesOut #nationalisation #nhs #ProgressiveAlliance #fedi #introduction #Introductions #newhere