The 2-day team building meeting organized by 20tab in Rome has just concluded. 👥
Being a fully distributed company it's always nice to be able to meet in person once in a while. 🫂
Doing it in the center of Rome makes it special. ✨
I met new team members, our group is growing 📈
#20tab #team #people #fun #colleagues #rome #diversity
@pycon I'm very happy that 20tab, the company where I work, is sponsoring PyCon Italia, the conference I'm helping to organise. 😃
I think it's a confirmation that companies can contribute directly to the growth of the FOSS community when they want. 👍
I've just presented my #talk "Make the most of Open Source" at #UbuntuSummit 2022 in Prague 🇨🇿
It was great presenting a community talk about my involvement journey in #OpenSource in this conference ✨
Topics int the talks 👇
#ubuntu #opensource #community #involvement #python #django #20tab #djangogirls #pycon #pyconitalia #europython #djangocon #djangoconus #djangoconeurope #plone #zope
#talk #UbuntuSummit #opensource #ubuntu #community #involvement #python #django #20tab #djangogirls #pycon #PyConItalia #europython #djangocon #djangoconUS #djangoconeurope #plone #zope