Join us 11/22-11/23 as we race at the USAC National Midgets and King of THunder 360's out at Merced, CA. Racing @6:30pm MST Zach Telford will be in the #22G car and Teddy Bivert will make his debut in our #22S car.
If you can't make it in person, watch us live on Floracing:
If you aren't ready, please be sure to follow us on the socials @GR22Motorsports as we will be releasing exclusive content and covering the races live!
Tell your friends!
#USAC #gr22motorsports #22S #22g
Be sure to join @GR22Motorsports 11/22-11/23 as they race at the USAC National Midgets & King of THunder 360's out at Merced, CA. Racing @6:30pm MST Zach Telford will be in the #22G car &Teddy Bivert will make his debut in our #22S car.
If you can't make it in person, watch them live on Floracing:
If you aren't ready, please be sure to follow @GR22Motorsports as they will be releasing exclusive content &covering the races live!
#USAC #gr22motorsports #22S #22g
📣📆 #22S #Redondela | Manifestación en defensa da Sanidade Pública.
📌 Centro de saúde
🕰️ 20h
Convoca a Plataforma Redondela Pola Defensa da Sanidade Pública.
📣📆 #22S #23S #Compostela #ACoruña | Palestras científicas sobre desobediencia e resistencia civil fronte á emerxencia climática.
Organiza Rebelión Científica (XRebellion).
#22S #23s #compostela #acoruña
📣📆 #22S #ACoruña | Palestra sobre a loita polo aire nunha Galiza colonizada enerxeticamente, con Aranza González da Plataforma Aire Limpo nas Mariñas - Mandeo e Torcuato Teixeira da Plataforma en Defensa de la Pesca y de los Ecosistemas Marinos.
📌 Círculo de Artesáns
🕰️ 19:30h