😶Aggiornamento Windows 11 23H2: le nuove funzionalità più importanti in arrivo.
Con Windows 11, Microsoft sta compiendo un passo avanti nell’integrazione dell’intelligenza artificiale attraverso l’introduzione di Windows Copilot, un assistente AI che unifica Bing Chat e plugin aggiuntivi. Questo assistente è facilmente accessibile tramite una barra laterale...
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👉 https://gomoot.com/aggiornamento-windows-11-23h2-le-nuove-funzionalita-piu-importanti/
#Windows11 #23h2 #microsoft #update
「 #Windows11 #23H2 : 上位 3 つの新機能 」: BLEEPINGCOMPUTER
Windows #copilot PC に統合された AI アシスタント
最新化されたファイル エクスプローラー エクスペリエンス
#windows11 #23h2 #copilot #prattohome #bleepingcomputer
Windows gets even worse at file management. Thanks to @thurrott and @leo and Richard Campbell for highlighting this #windows11 #23H2 problem.
File management, i.e., doing any file operation to files in bulk, has been slow and unreliable since Windows Vista and Server 2008. I'm still stuck using Robocopy. Now we get UI glitches and further performance loss. Microsoft just don't believe in real QA testing any more.
「Windows 11 23H2 アップデートはこの秋にリリースされます。新機能は次のとおりです。 」:BLEEPINGCOMPUTER
#prattohome #bleepingcomputer #windos11 #23h2 #新機能
Windows 11: Microsoft plant Anpassungen für Foldable-Laptops in 2023 #Windows11 #23H2 #Moments #Update #Foldable #Laptop #faltbar #Ausblick https://winfuture.de/news,133758.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
#windows11 #23h2 #moments #update #foldable #laptop #faltbar #ausblick