Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
376 followers · 2331 posts · Server

Everyone (well, almost everyone) has a bucket list of things to do or places to see … this year I wrote a list of ans this weekend I managed to knock off two of them in one go. I took myself on a date (no. 3 on my list) and went to a comedy show (no. 7 on my list). I am currently trying to knock off “plan the next overseas trip” (no. 16 on my list) but it will be a long time before I get to put that into action.

How’s your going?

#23thingsin2023 #bucketlist

Last updated 1 year ago

Maria was chipsNfish on twit · @chiccomarx
51 followers · 1583 posts · Server

@piper good luck and I love that # Ill jump on that myself


Last updated 2 years ago

Bushbark · @bushbark
185 followers · 902 posts · Server

20. Complete. Today I walked down to Morans Falls. Dad and I did this walk 12 months before he passed away. He requested a teaspoon of his ashes go over them, with the rest joining Mum at Burleigh Heads. So the last time I did this walk was almost 14 years ago. It is a beautiful place to rest. He loved it so. We loved him so 💜

#memories #23thingsin2023

Last updated 2 years ago

Piper · @piper
42 followers · 336 posts · Server

17. 2 down 8 to go
today it is Estonian Cuisine

Suitsulõhega kasukas

I made a mistake in the preparation but it was only optical - same yummy result though.

#23thingsin2023 #estonia #food #salad

Last updated 2 years ago

Bushbark · @bushbark
178 followers · 875 posts · Server

Another item ticked on my 23 things list.
Visit somewhere new.
I highly recommend barefoot fish. Weird feeling like pins and needles and, after the initial adjustment to that sensation, highly relaxing. Shared this wonderful experience with six dear friends I have known for over 50 years.

#23thingsin2023 #lifelongfriends

Last updated 2 years ago

Piper · @piper
40 followers · 301 posts · Server

17. one down - nine to go. Jamaican coleslaw and rice and peas - both were delish and quite uncomplicated to prepare.


Last updated 2 years ago

Piper · @piper
38 followers · 201 posts · Server

@caity oh, nice - bookmarked this bc it would fit in with one of my goals (try 10 different cuisines)


Last updated 2 years ago

Piper · @piper
38 followers · 201 posts · Server

completed three things from the list this month.

1. the live performance last night was fantastic - weather played nice and the trio of musicians were very entertaining with a great variety of songs. Been a while since I had a big night out (and feeling it today)

5. watched a movie in the wee hours one night for pain relief, enjoyed it but it didn't leave me hungry for more.

22. hunting was fun, we had a couple of big hits on the meter and accidentally spooked a lone walker (after dark - at the cemetery)

#23thingsin2023 #manga #ghost #emf #dog

Last updated 2 years ago

Bushbark · @bushbark
167 followers · 772 posts · Server

I’ve signed up to the International Women’s Day Fun Run on 2023-03-12. It’s going to be Queensland's biggest celebration of women. Mater Chicks in Pink care for many women with breast cancer by providing them with practical support, and funding research into making treatments more effective, so fewer lives are lost.
If you are able, please make a donation, I’d really appreciate your support. You can donate to my page here
Or to join in, you can register to take part here
Every little bit helps to ensure no woman feels alone when going through breast cancer.
Thank you

#iwd2023 #cancerresearch #breastcancer #walk #23thingsin2023

Last updated 2 years ago

Piper · @piper
19 followers · 28 posts · Server

2. haven't bought a pedometer yet but started around the block, one round yesterday with a 50% increase of distance today. The cool mornings are the best time, lucky I am an early riser.

#walking #23thingsin2023

Last updated 2 years ago

Piper · @piper
16 followers · 26 posts · Server

1. go to a live performance
2. buy a pedometer and step up again
3. create 12 collages (one per month)
4. mend the linen and towels
5. watch a Manga movie
6. re-pot the plants
7. service the bicycle
8. rekindle my passion for miniature figures photography
9. resume daily meditation practise
10. read one of the Classics of World Literature on the Goodreads list
11. finish reading 'Shantaram' (50% read last year and lapsed)
12. cook something with saffron
13. visit the Ballarat Art Gallery
14. ride the bike to Lake Fyans and spend one or two nights in the cabins
15. travel to Melbourne for a Sydney Swans game
16. practise drawing with my left hand only
17. cook meals from 10 different cuisines
18. send 10 postcards with uplifting messages to random addresses locally
19. be a tourist in my own town
20. find a Geocache
21. volunteer to clean up the cemetery
22. go ghost hunting
23. schedule weekly wellness day – Sauna, fasting, dry brushing etc


Last updated 2 years ago

Bushbark · @bushbark
150 followers · 662 posts · Server

New year and I have 23 goals to achieve.
1. Declutter the house (12 spaces )
2. Make walking a habit (Goal 30k in July for Heart Foundation)
3. Visit the roses in Newstead Park (September)
4. Got to a comedy Show ( Sarah Milligan - March, Kitty Flanagan - August)
5. Learn about Moss & Lichen (Create a Journal)
6. Read Something Everyday (23 Books)
7. Listen to the AudioBooks in my Library ( 23 Books)
8. Take Precious to the Beach
9. Choose a Word of the Year - Becoming
10. Catalogue craft supplies - keep & donate
11. Finish the Gum Tree tapestry
12. Make a piece of jewellery
13. Catalogue Photos taken in 2022 ( and work backwards month by month)
14. Take an online course ( Lightroom / Photoshop / Illustrator)
15. Go to the Nambour Garden Show in July
16. Build a butterfly house
17. Do something that scares you - Tattoo?
18. Go Whale watching ( September)
19. Visit somewhere new (Somewhere in the Sunshine)
20. Visit Morans Falls (February to celebrate Dads 90th Birthday 11 February)
21. Build a website (KFPS volunteer)
22. Make a 2024 calendar (November)
23. Decorate for Christmas (December)

#woty #23thingsin2023 #beyonddragons #12smallsteps

Last updated 2 years ago

Bushbark · @bushbark
145 followers · 642 posts · Server

New year and I have 23 goals to achieve.
1. Declutter the house (12 spaces )
2. Make walking a habit (Goal 30k in July for Heart Foundation)
3. Visit the roses in Newstead Park (September)
4. Got to a comedy Show ( Sarah Milligan - March, Kitty Flanagan - August)
5. Learn about Moss & Lichen (Create a Journal)
6. Read Something Everyday (23 Books)
7. Listen to the AudioBooks in my Library ( 23 Books)
8. Take Precious to the Beach
9. Choose a Word of the Year - Becoming
10. Catalogue craft supplies - keep & donate
11. Finish the Gum Tree tapestry
12. Make a piece of jewellery
13. Catalogue Photos taken in 2022 ( and work backwards month by month)
14. Take an online course ( Lightroom / Photoshop / Illustrator)
15. Go to the Nambour Garden Show in July
16. Build a butterfly house
17. Do something that scares you - Tattoo?
18. Go Whale watching ( September)
19. Visit somewhere new (Somewhere in the Sunshine)
20. Visit Morans Falls (February to celebrate Dads 90th Birthday 11 February)
21. Build a website (KFPS volunteer)
22. Make a 2024 calendar (November)
23. Decorate for Christmas (December)


#woty #23thingsin2023 #beyonddragons #12small

Last updated 2 years ago

Bushbark · @bushbark
145 followers · 631 posts · Server

Kicking off 2023 with my word of the year . And the first off my 23 things in 2023 list.
My word is a starting point, the first part of a process that will give my year focus.


Last updated 2 years ago

Swanette 🦢 · @WaltzingMatilda
203 followers · 824 posts · Server

already started on 4, 8, 11 and 12.
4. stitched up the seam of a fitted sheet yesterday
8. started creating new scenes
11. read 100 pages into the remaining 50%
12. bought the saffron


Last updated 2 years ago

Bushbark · @bushbark
110 followers · 434 posts · Server

and are on my list for #2023
I want to learn about them and be able to identify the ones that grow locally.
These are growing on the end of my deck. Lush after a wet Winter and Spring.

#lichen #moss #23thingsin2023

Last updated 2 years ago

Swanette 🦢 · @WaltzingMatilda
195 followers · 675 posts · Server

@GraceIsPizt it was @nona80_swanette who started it, we use to check in for accountability. I needed something concrete to look forward to next year, this list helps me do this.


Last updated 2 years ago

Swanette 🦢 · @WaltzingMatilda
183 followers · 616 posts · Server

List is done

1. go to a live performance
2. buy a pedometer and step up again
3. create 12 collages (one per month)
4. mend the linen and towels that came with dissolvable stitches
5. watch a Manga movie
6. re-pot the plants
7. service the bicycle
8. rekindle my passion for miniature figures photography
9. resume daily meditation practise
10. read one of the Classics of World Literature on the Goodreads list
11. finish reading 'Shantaram' (50% read last year and lapsed)
12. cook something with saffron
13. visit the Ballarat Art Gallery
14. ride the bike to Lake Fyans and spend one or two nights in the cabins
15. travel to Melbourne for a Sydney Swans game
16. practise drawing with my left hand only
17. cook meals from 10 different cuisines
18. send 10 postcards with uplifting messages to random addresses locally
19. be a tourist in my own town
20. find a Geocache
21. volunteer to clean up the cemetery
22. go ghost hunting
23. schedule weekly/in home wellness day – Sauna, fasting, dry brushing etc


Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
153 followers · 531 posts · Server

Have finished putting together my list for … you all are now my witnesses and have to keep me in sticking to my … some will be easy, others not so much.

1. Tidy the house
2. Visit a garden or park to take photos
3. Take yourself on a date
4. Start walking in the mornings again
5. Spend a day listening to podcasts
6. Send nice messages to 5 people randomly
7. Go to a comedy show or music concert
8. Read a book cover to cover
9. Learn to make pasta sauce(s)
10. Take a day trip somewhere
11. Support an artist/author/creator
12. Go somewhere you haven't been before
13. Write a reflection on how the year is going
14. Start learning Auslan
15. Bake something
16. Plan the OS trip you want to take next
17. Watch a movie you’ve never seen
18. Make something
19. Follow an online tutorial
20. Try to keep a plant alive
21. Do something you've never done before
22. Spoil yourself
23. Decorate for Christmas

#23thingsin2023 #accountable #goals

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
132 followers · 403 posts · Server

@WaltzingMatilda sounds like it would have been great. Hopefully, I’ll remember to keep posting about my so others can hold me accountable and encourage me along the way.


Last updated 2 years ago