And today's #24DaysOfDice !
Another #Numenéra -esque die from #QWorkshop , this one a D12. And... Well, I saw a D6 in a crushed peppermints style from #FoamBrain , but Brandon saw blood on snow so I don't know what to tell you here. #Dice are just neat like that. I guess if I find more in this style, it's the holiday set? Time will tell, the month is still young.
#24daysofdice #numenera #qworkshop #foambrain #dice
#24DaysOfDice I missed yesterday! Here are my calendar #dice from 5 December:
A red D6 with gold dragons from #QWorkshop and a clear D12 with a round blue and pink bead (?) from #FoamBrain.
#24daysofdice #dice #qworkshop #foambrain
A metal D4 from #FoamBrain ; I didn't notice the dragon on the D8, I'll have to go back and look. Appropriate for #DragonAgeDay !
A curious Decade die from #QWorkshop , gives me very #Numenera vibes. Looks slightly magitech-y.
#24daysofdice #foambrain #dragonageday #qworkshop #numenera
Ahhh I have six minutes left! Today, December 3!
A lovely decade die from the Q Workshop holiday set that doubles as a D5 (!) and OMG RUBBER DUCKY SANTA from Foam Brain!
#24daysofdice #qworkshop #foambrain
The D6 is #QWorkshop and the metal D8 is #FoamBrain. #dice #ttrpg #24DaysOfDice
And this is only day two! I'm going to need a bigger dice bag, the one I've used for years is almost full.
#qworkshop #foambrain #dice #ttrpg #24daysofdice
Here's the #die from the #FoamBrain calendar. I think it's a blue dragon eye?
#die #foambrain #24daysofdice #dice #ttrpg