Night cometh in a few hours. Not all will see the Florida dawn. #Rolex24 #24HDaytona #IMSA
A demain pour la #ROCSweden individuelle.
En attendant, on a une petite course sympa du côté de Daytona, au Ztazunis. 👇
💥Retrouvez les #24HDaytona samedi 28 janvier à partir de 19H30 sur Automoto la Chaîne
My #anxiety has been all over the place lately. Was hoping that after things worked well in my favor at work my body would relax. Boy was I wrong. I’ve been needing to get connected with a new doctor for a while now so I really need to get that taken care of. New #medicine might help.
Need to dive into some #games (hello new #RTX 3070!), read more of Leviathan Wakes (aka #TheExpanse), and watch some fun movies. The #24hDaytona is this weekend and I can’t wait for that. I love me some sportscar racing.
At least my 2-month long #migraine ended before the holidays and hasn’t shown any hints of a return.
#anxiety #medicine #games #RTX #theexpanse #24hdaytona #migraine
Dieses Wochenende ist ja #24HDaytona \o/
Da bin ich aber am Montag wieder unausgeschlafen.
Nützt ja nix! :catjam:
Excellent news over on the Birdsite about #IronLynx and #IronDames, including the anticipated switch to Lamborghini in 2023 and an LMDh prototype run (Lamborghini/Ligier?) starting in 2024.
The Iron Dames are racing the Huracan in Portugal this weekend; everything officially gets started at the #24hDaytona in January.
Now to get them on Mastodon...
#ironlynx #irondames #24hdaytona