Reporting in with final progress stats from

Admittedly I did cheat a bit and let myself have a break on Sunday so did the last 4 hours last night. But still, it was a lot.

24 hours. 3833 stitches, 3.81% of the entire pattern done in one weekend!

Now if only I could make that kind of time every weekend... 😅


#24hoursofcrossstitch #crossstitch

Last updated 1 year ago

@lemmy_stitch Eight hour update! Averaging 171sts an hour which isn't bad considering we're also marathoning Futurama at the same time and we accidentally watched Jurassic Bark 😭

#crossstitch #24hoursofcrossstitch

Last updated 1 year ago

24HOCS starting point!

I've decided to work on my full coverage project for , as this one hasn't had any love for a couple weeks so it'll feel good to get some progress.

Of course, at 2 over 1 on 28ct fabric, 24 hours is often less visible progress than you might think 😅

The pattern is "Autumn Stories" from Paine Free Crafts, and for reference I'm currently at 25.26% complete!

Good luck to anyone else taking part. I believe in you!


#24hoursofcrossstitch #crossstitch #24hocs

Last updated 1 year ago

Who's gearing up for 24 Hours of Cross Stitch this weekend?

For once I've actually remembered its happening, so to celebrate maybe I'll actually take part! Not sure I can really manage 24 whole hours but maybe if I make it a long weekend and fudge the numbers slightly 😅

Only problem is I'm supposed to be this weekend as well...hmm this is gonna be a busy few days!

Who else is in?


#sewing #crossstitch #24hocs #24hoursofcrossstitch

Last updated 1 year ago

Sometime back in April there was a weekend, and given that I had zero chance of managing it I set my own rules instead.

Basically, I've very slowly stitched a total of 24 hours across two specific projects, and it's time to compare the before and after!

4 hours went on the small pattern which was easily completed. But my full coverage? The 20 other hours weren't even enough to finish the current page 😭


#24hoursofcrossstitch #crossstitch #Xstitch #fullcoverage

Last updated 1 year ago

Anyone doing the challenge this weekend?

I only found out about it on Thursday night, as per usual, and had plans today so 24 hours is out of the question. But I still took these starting photos yesterday and will see how far I can get!

#24hoursofcrossstitch #crossstitch #Xstitch #24hocs #crafts

Last updated 2 years ago