Apparently my failed attempt to set up #2FA for #GitHub was due to some browser extension. Although I've explicitly granted access to all domains temporaily in those extensions (adblocker, JS blocker etc.) it still hadn't worked. Only after I've completely disabled forecited extensions it finally worked.πͺ
Having said that: GitHubs #captcha's are ridiculous!
See here:
Ars Technica: Gmail will lock important settings behind a pop-up 2FA challenge #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #two-factorauthentication #google #gmail #Tech #2fa
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #two #google #gmail #2FA
Today I fully #secured my accounts on #GitHub and #Codeberg!
I created a #PGPKey which I use on both services and two access #tokens, since I now have enabled #2FA on both.
This brought the need of a #password manager. I use #MXLinux's default on my #XFCE laptop and now I look for one to use on my #Fedora #Kinoite desktop, available on #Flathub.
Do you folks have any suggestions? Which one is the most secure?
Also, where else could I use my PGP key now?
#secured #GitHub #Codeberg #PGPKey #tokens #2FA #password #mxlinux #XFCE #Fedora #Kinoite #flathub #git #privacy #encryption
Referenced link:
Originally posted by Dark Reading /
Securing the software supply chain will require more than #2FA, #cybersecurity experts tell @wirelesswench in reaction to new #PyPl user account rules
Google is going to delete your data forever, if you haven't logged into your account for two years.
Read more in my article on the Bitdefender blog:
#cybersecurity #google #accountrecovery #2FA
#Google leaking #2FA secrets β researchers advise against new βaccount syncβ feature for now.
I would suggest you to avoid using the Google Authenticator app at all. According to the #privacy report for the app, you are being tracked while using it (I.e. they declare to collect your position while using it even if itβs not useful to the app itself).
#google #2FA #privacy #privacyMatters
Google Authenticator Now Supports Backing Up #2FA Codes Using Google Account
Google Authenticator ααΎα¬ account syncing αα«αα¬αα¬ααα― αα¬ααα―α·αα»αΎα±α¬αΊαα±ααΌαα¬αα²ααα―αα¬ αα¬αΈααααΊααα―ααΊαα°αΈα
Authenticator α αα―αΆαΈαααΊαΈα αα°αα»α¬αΈααα―ααΊα· OTP αα―ααΊααα―αααΊααα‘α±α¬ααΊ locally ααααΊαΈαα»ααΊααα―α· αα―αΆαΈααΌαα¬ααα―ααΊαα°αΈαα¬αΈα α‘α²α·αα«ααα― αα¬ααα―α·αα»α¬αΈ remotely ααα―αα·αΊ OTP αα―ααΊααα― αααα½α¬αΈα‘α±α¬ααΊα ααΎααΊαα¬αΈααα―α·αα‘α±α¬ααΊ αα―ααΊαα»ααΊαα±ααΌαα¬αα²ααααα°αΈα π§
Remotely ααααΊαΈαα»ααΊααΎαα±α¬α· α‘α αααΊαΈα Authenticator ααα―αΆαΈαα² SMS OTP αα²αα―αΆαΈααα―ααΊαα±α¬α·αα±α«α· ααααΊααΎααα°αΈαα¬ααα― π₯΄
#GoogleAuthenticator #Authenticator
#AccountSyncing #SMSOTP #2FA
#GoogleAuthenticator #authenticator #accountsyncing #smsotp #2FA
Referenced link:
Originally posted by Duo Security /
π We're excited to share that Duo was named the best two-factor authentication app by The New York Times @wirecutter! See why Duo is recommended for its #security, reliability, and more!
#security #2FA #MFA #CyberSecurity
Yo I can post to Mastodon over ssh this is so cool! I had to log in with my browser on Windows though, Lynx doesn't support #2FA.
Ars Technica: Still using authenticators for MFA? Software for sale can hack you anyway #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #multifactorauthentication #two-factorauthentication #accounttakeovers #phishing #Biz&IT #2fa #mfa
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #multifactorauthentication #two #accounttakeovers #phishing #biz #2FA #mfa
The best open-source 2FA apps for Linux & Android:
Ars Technica: The time has come: GitHub expands 2FA requirement rollout March 13 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #softwaredevelopment #passwords #passkeys #security #GitHub #Tech #2fa
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #softwaredevelopment #passwords #passkeys #security #github #2FA
Big #CyberAttacks happening all over the place right now! Even a #fediverse instance was compromised! And a few #Mastodon instances were hit with #DDoS attacks, Fosstodon and being two.
Remember this: Your server is not safe from being compromised. Even that small instance with just a few friends, or that tiny server just for yourself. This could escalate and your server could be compromised too. However, here are some tips to keep your accounts safe:
- Enable Two-factor authentication on your account! You can use #TOTP for #2FA. If someone gets your password theyβll need to enter a code stored on your phone that randomly changes every few seconds.
- Create alt accounts. If your server goes down then you can still talk to followers on your alt on a different server. I have accounts on multiple Mastodon servers, as well as my own instance. Since this is the fediverse, people can still follow your other accounts and it is easy to move between servers.
- Do not reuse the same password. If someone gets your password, they will try it on your other accounts. Soon all the accounts that use the same password will all be breached. Use different passwords for each account instead, and change your passwords if your accounts get breached. Long complex passwords are encouraged.
- Keep your server secure. If you run a server, hackers will try to break into your server, steal your data, then turn it malicious. Some tips I suggest are changing your SSH port, installing fail2ban, using SSH keys and using a strong password. Do this for your serverβs account, as well as your fediverse account.
If you are already following the tips above, then you are fine. But most are not, so Iβm just letting people know in case they havenβt already done so.
Please boost this post to spread the word, and have a nice day.
#cyberattacks #fediverse #mastodon #ddos #totp #2FA #cybersecurity #opsec #infosec #cyberattack
Top 3 Tech Daily News: 84 yo women holdout $1M home, Asking a lot of questions make you popular, Use 2FA for personal apps #holdout #millionaire #inquiry #popular #2FA #cybersecurity #nerds #geeks #entrepreneurs
#holdout #millionaire #inquiry #popular #2FA #cybersecurity #nerds #geeks #entrepreneurs
Current project: setting all my #2FA that can't use a security key to use #1Passwword as the authenticator app.
Ars Technica: Twitterβs two-factor authentication change βdoesnβt make senseβ #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #two-factorauthentication #Identitytheft #ElonMusk #security #Twitter #Biz&IT #2fa
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #two #identitytheft #elonmusk #security #Twitter #biz #2FA
As Twitter forces users to remove text message 2FA, itβs in danger of decreasing security