@trashheap OFC #WebRTC can't beat physics and even #WebCall will suck ass on throttled #2G connections...
@Mair_ @rail @yassie_j let me guess: Mostly local #BFWA on #WiFi or similar since #FTTB & #FTTH to every single house isn't feasible and depending on the location they only got #2G or laggy af #tooway / #SESbroadband via a geostationary satellite.
#sesbroadband #tooway #2G #ftth #fttb #wifi #bfwa
Ein 16-jähriger Teenager baut aus einfachen, billigen Bauteilen und einem 3D-Drucker ein DIY-Handy. Er gibt die Gesamtkosten mit 30€ an!
Es unterstützt zwar nur das 2G-Netz, aber immerhin!
> Nützliche Open-Source-Hardware, die sich um unseren Planeten kümmert.
#arduino #2G #mobile #electronics #diy
@menelion @ActionRetro it's really useful as it works on both #screenreaders ,#TUI-based #Browsers and #narrowband connections.
And I don't just mean #EDGEland throttled #2G but like #Iridium @ 2.400 bit/s (!!!)…
#iridium #2G #edgeland #narrowband #browsers #tui #screenreaders
@jwildeboer @EU_Commission on stuff like #Vectoring and #DOCSIS, the specs don't really allow that.
Whereas on #GPON and espechally #Ethernet-based #fiber that would be feasible.
But also #throttling on #mobile networks (#2G / #3G / #4G #LTE / #5G) isn't done by properly negotiating a "link speed" or "link bandwith" but literally dropping/rejecting packets if that would exceed the configured speed is still not illegal.
#5G #lte #4g #3g #2G #Mobile #throttling #fiber #ethernet #GPON #docsis #Vectoring
@nick @mho ich mag @Tusky vorallem deshalb weil's wie das originale #TweetDeck #mobile und später #Twidere / #TwidereX von @mariotaku clean, effizient und auch auf #EDGEland - #Mobilfunk zuverlässig funktioniert.
Etwas was #Twitter bis heute nicht kann!
PS: @torproject #Orbot wirkt oft als #PerformanceProxy bei #2G / #EDGE...
#Edge #2G #performanceproxy #orbot #Twitter #Mobilfunk #edgeland #TwidereX #twidere #Mobile #tweetdeck
@MarcinW @sundogplanets Otherwise, resellers like #KVH mostly cather either to super-rich folks by doing call-for-pricing postpaid plans for those that want to do videoconferencing in the middle on an ocean https://www.kvh.com/landing-pages/kvh-elite , and also "unmetered" plans that basically offer #2G / #iSDN speeds that are sufficient to get weather reports and send location and telemetry data back to corporate users...
Referenced link: https://www.iotforall.com/white-paper/2g-and-3g-switch-off-what-network-evolution-means-for-iot
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://www.iotforall.com/white-paper/2g-and-3g-switch-off-what-network-evolution-means-for-iot
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall: http://nitter.platypush.tech/iotforall/status/1639317661351034881#m
The network evolution: learn about the #business benefits and costs of migrating from old #2G and #3G to the more capable #4G and #5G networks in this #whitepaper from @TeliaCompany. https://www.iotforall.com/white-paper/2g-and-3g-switch-off-what-network-evolution-means-for-iot
#business #2G #3G #4G #5G #whitepaper
Referenced link: https://business.teliacompany.com/internet-of-things/iot--the-enabler-of-modern-business/iot-network-closure
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://business.teliacompany.com/internet-of-things/iot--the-enabler-of-modern-business/iot-network-closure
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall: http://nitter.platypush.tech/iotforall/status/1638264726223310849#m
Does your #IoT solution rely on #2G or #3G? Then it's time to plan for an upgrade. Join @transformatweet, @TeliaCompany, and @ericsson for a webinar on March 23rd to discuss the impacts of the 2G and 3G sunset on #IoT solutions.
Register for FREE! ⬇️
Referenced link: https://business.teliacompany.com/internet-of-things/iot--the-enabler-of-modern-business/iot-network-closure
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://business.teliacompany.com/internet-of-things/iot--the-enabler-of-modern-business/iot-network-closure
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall: http://nitter.platypush.tech/iotforall/status/1636052143625977870#m
Does your #IoT solution rely on #2G or #3G? Then it's time to plan for an upgrade. Join @transformatweet, @TeliaCompany, and @ericsson for a webinar on March 23rd to discuss the impacts of the 2G and 3G sunset on #IoT solutions.
Register for FREE! ⬇️ https://business.teliacompany.com/internet-of-things/iot--the-enabler-of-modern-business/iot-network-closure
Referenced link: https://www.iotforall.com/webinar/2g-and-3g-switch-off-what-network-evolutions-means-for-iot
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://www.iotforall.com/webinar/2g-and-3g-switch-off-what-network-evolutions-means-for-iot
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall: http://nitter.platypush.tech/iotforall/status/1631777224801103874#m
Join @TeliaCompany alongside Matt Hatton from @transformatweet on March 23rd for a live #webinar discussing the challenges of #2G and #3G network upgrades and the implications it has for enterprises and their #IoT solutions. https://www.iotforall.com/webinar/2g-and-3g-switch-off-what-network-evolutions-means-for-iot
Visited #EDGEland and tried to surf at #Iridium or just #2G speeds for once.
Yesterday I did some very "manual" tests of VoIP call quality with #starlink. Works 100%.
So, for the moment, it would seem like the perfect solution to remote communications. For #Rhizomatica/TIC this has been a major block for years. We have been unable to install local #2G #telephony service in quite some number of communities, due to being unable to provide reliable backhaul.
However, I do have some concerns about it.
#telephony #2G #Rhizomatica #starlink
RT @2g_gsm@twitter.com
The PCMCIA card format served the mobile industry well. From the early days of Circuit Switched Data as shown here, through HSCSD, GPRS, EDGE and even early (pre-USB dongle) 3G UMTS services. #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology
Cowboy Bebop vibes
RT @2g_gsm@twitter.com
High Speed Circuit Switched Data increased rates from 9.6kbps to a maximum of 14.4kbps per TDMA timeslot. Some networks launched 4 slot service but 2 slot was most common, offering a maximum data rate of 28.8kbps, massively impressive at the time! #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology
RT @2g_gsm@twitter.com
A rare opportunity to dust off the old HP 8594E spectrum analyser and review some GSM GMSK waveforms in the 900 and 1800 MHz bands. The image is a BCCH TRX/carrier (constant amplitude) in the 1800 MHz band #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology
RT @2g_gsm@twitter.com
An early Mercury one2one head-frame with CSA vertically polarised antennas in space diversity configuration. Site has microwave radio backhaul for connectivity to BSC. #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology