I hope that a lawyer in can explain to me the apparent lack of enforcement when it comes to what seems to be Hate Propaganda by cisheterosexist religious people against + people.

From my perspective it seems that, while Hate Propaganda is technically illegal in Canada, most cisheterosexist religious people seem to be exempt from meaningful enforcement of the law?

... or am I missing something?

#2SLGBTQI #law #Canada

Last updated 1 year ago

The Progress flag is up for Public Service Pride week (next week) at the Research and Development Centre. I believe that I put it up according to the correct federal Pride flag protocols, where the Canadian flag is on the left side of the desk and the Pride flag is on the far right. in Canada runs from June to August.

+ +

#Canada #alberta #2SLGBTQIA #2SLGBTQI #PrideSeason #canadian #lethbridge #pride

Last updated 1 year ago

I see that they have written that it is their "right" as religious parents in the United States to exclude + literature from the school libraries. I feel thankful that I live in . I need to be criminalized as such, and for the disseminators of hate to answer to the Law. Let us welcome & include many cultures in society, but religious people should definitely not be given free reign to harass, defame, and promote hate against 2SLGBTQI+ people!

#Propaganda #hate #cisheterosexist #Canada #2SLGBTQI

Last updated 1 year ago

Umzidiu Meiktok · @umzidiu
266 followers · 474 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Une cour fédérale américaine valide le droit des personnes trans d'avoir accès aux vestiaires et toilettes qui correspondent à leur genre.


#2stnbncg #2SLGBTQI #lgbtq #indiana #usa

Last updated 1 year ago

Umzidiu Meiktok · @umzidiu
221 followers · 360 posts · Server kolektiva.social

:nonbinary_flag: :flag_trans: :nonbinary_flag:

Ces temps-ci, je suis complètement submergé-e de demandes d'aide légale à la job.

Beaucoup de gens se font harceler, pousser à la démission ou refuser des soins de santé. Leur point en commun: ce sont des personnes non-binaires.

La majeure partie de ces personnes, en ce moment, sont des «assigné-e-s filles à la naissance». Donc pas des «hommes qui essaient d'entrer dans les espaces féminins» selon l'expression incorrecte des TERFs et de leurs ami-e-s fachos.

Je vais en reparler lorsque j'aurai le temps mais ça brasse. Il va y avoir plusieurs plaintes à la Commission des droits humains.

#enbies #nonbinaires #lgbtq #2SLGBTQI #transrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 1 year ago

Umzidiu Meiktok · @umzidiu
218 followers · 357 posts · Server kolektiva.social

L' a commencé à retirer les droits des mères lesbiennes. Elle a décidé de retirer des mères des certificats de naissance.

«Under current Italian law, the member of a same-sex couple who is not legally recognized as a child’s parent could lose custody if the legally recognized parent dies or the relationship ends.»


#italie #fascisme #2SLGBTQI #lgbtq

Last updated 1 year ago

Today in , , , there were approximately 🎆175🎇 counter-protestors/attendees versus merely 🤢20🤮 cis-heterosexist protestors of Reading with Royalty, that is, drag storytime at the Public Library. How can you not love this that consistently shows up to support the + community, and take a stand against hate? They come with their little families. They come with their groups of friends. They share really well-curated protest knowledge. It's so beautiful 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

#2SLGBTQI #Community #Canada #alberta #lethbridge

Last updated 1 year ago

Today in , , , there were approximately 🎆175🎇 counter-protestors/attendees versus merely 🤢20🤮 cis-heterosexist protestors of Reading with Royalty, that is, drag storytime at the Public Library. How can you not love this that consistently shows up to support + people, and take a stand against hate? 👪 They come with their little families. 👩‍👩‍👧 They come with their groups of friends. 🚴🏽🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏼‍♀️They share really well-curated protest knowledge. It's so beautiful 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

#2SLGBTQI #Community #Canada #alberta #lethbridge

Last updated 1 year ago

@Anarkat in , there's federal governmental protocol for the correct placement of the Progress Pride flag. That is, the flag is expected to be raised during Pride Season at federal institutions.


#2SLGBTQI #pride #Canada

Last updated 1 year ago

Umzidiu Meiktok · @umzidiu
190 followers · 296 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Actualité :flag_trans: :nonbinary_flag: :better_pride:

Au cas où vous auriez pas vu ça: le gouvernement de Blaine Higgs fait tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour faire du Nouveau-Brunswick un endroit hostile aux jeunes personnes trans/nb en modifiant la Politique 713, qui les protège à l'école.

Ça veut dire, entre autres, que les écoles ne pourront plus accepter qu'un enfant de moins de 16 ans change de pronoms et/ou de nom sans l'accord de ses parents. «Parce qu'il faut respecter le droit des parents» selon le ministre de l'éducation, Bill Hogan.

C'est une rhétorique d'abuseur.

Les enfants ne sont pas la propriété de leurs parents. Les parents n'ont pas le droit d'abuser de leurs enfants.

Là, Higgs fait face à de la division au sein de son caucus, et dit être prêt à déclencher des élections là-dessus. Pensez à ça deux minutes. Un Premier ministre qui pense peut-être faire des élections sur le DOS DES ENFANTS TRANS?

C'est absolument dégueulasse.


#transphobie #policy713 #politique713 #nouveaubrunswick #education #2SLGBTQI

Last updated 1 year ago

's "first" protest happened in August, and therefore Pride is in August, but other cities in Canada have their respective Pride protests/parades in June and July. Therefore, we have PRIDE SEASON officially, in Canada.

#2SLGBTQIA #2SLGBTQI #ottawa #pride #Canada

Last updated 1 year ago

Umzidiu Meiktok · @umzidiu
190 followers · 296 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Affaire Hansman contre Neufeld: la Cour Suprême donne raison au prof qui a défendu les élèves 2SLGBTQI+.

Résumé rapide: Barry Neufeld, un réac' de Colombie-Britannique, s'attaque publiquement à un cursus scolaire inclusif alors qu'il est administrateur d'un conseil d'école.

Un prof, Glen Hansman, dit que ses commentaires sont haineux, bigots et transphobes.

Neufeld le poursuit en diffamation parce que comme la plupart des gens de droite, il pense que c'est juste lui qui a le droit de donner son avis.

Hansman se défend en Cour en disant que c'est un SLAPP (poursuite‑bâillon). La Cour lui donne raison et rejette l'action.

Neufeld est pas content, il veut absolument censurer ses critiques. Alors il se rend en Cour d'Appel, qui lui donne raison.

Hasman se rend en Cour Suprême. La Cour Suprême lui donne raison. (La Juge Côté est dissidente.) Conclusion: c'est pas de la diffamation de dire que les tansphobes sont transphobes.

Plus de détails dans cet article:

Je suis en train de lire la décision (consultable ici: scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-). Étant pas légiste, j'en comprends juste le quart. Cela dit, il y a des passages intéressants, dont celui-ci. ⬇️

#transphobie #hansmanvneufeld #bc #transphobia #SchoolBoard #ecoles #education #CourSupreme #2SLGBTQI #lgbtqia2 #lgbtq #lgbt

Last updated 1 year ago

Under Guideline 9:


+ oppression is already a reason for granting in to which is to say that this Parliamentary Petition does nothing more than ask for what we already have:


Nevertheless, the current assumption, that 2SLGBTQIA+ people in the USA and UK have internal flight options, should be changed because there are cisheterosexist movements in governments at all levels (e.g., municipal, state, federal).

#Refugees #Canada #asylum #2SLGBTQI

Last updated 2 years ago

The federal government of will expunge the criminal records of + people who were charged (in the past) for their frequenting bathhouses:


What makes me enthusiastic about this radio story is that it valorizes bathhouses and nightclubs as "safe spaces for 2SLGBTQI+ communities."

I couldn't agree more.

I had been trying to imagine what actions could be taken to transport us in Canada to this "place" (that is, this paradigm) but we have arrived!

#gay #2SLGBTQI #Canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Howdy y'all! It's Meownday!

I'm showing off my cat shirt, what about you? Got any fun clothes to show off?


#lgbtqia #2SLGBTQI

Last updated 2 years ago

It's time for...the Mushy Brain Song! Join in!🎶🙌

Alt: friends playing Words on Stream during a Twitch stream and singing silly songs.

#trans #lgbtqia #2SLGBTQI

Last updated 2 years ago