Things that my dogs say in their sleep.
Yoyo: That's an insane slope! Hand me my board!
Duke: Oh shit! Another hydra!
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #2boydogz
Conversation with my dogs.
Me: So, Duke will be going to the dog park alone today. Yoyo, you'll be staying home with Mom.
Duke: YAY!
Yoyo: What the hell? Why?
Me: Because the wound on your leg is still healing and can't be bandaged. Going to be that way for another week of two, buddy.
Yoyo: This is bullshit!
Duke: I'll tell everyone you said hello, bro.
My Wife: And I'll give Yoyo extra treats.
Yoyo: Okay!
Duke: Fuck!
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #2boydogz
Morning conversation with my 2 Boy Dogz.
Yoyo: Why do I have to wear this cone?
Me: Because you started a fight with duke and got bitten on your upper leg.
Yoyo: And why do I have to take pills and get goop smeared on the wound?
Me: Because you have an open wound on your leg!
Duke: And because with that cone and your white head, you look like ice cream. Hahahaha!
Yoyo: I will kick your ass!
Me: Both of you shut the hell up! This is how we ended up here.
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #2boydogz
Things my dogs ask me.
"How the hell do you stay balanced and walk on just 2 legs?"
"You sure you don't want to roll in this hose shit?"
"Wait! You take pills WILLINGLY?"
"Just who the fuck have you been petting. Dad?"
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #2boydogz
Conversation with my dogs.
Me: It didn't rain today and it's not supposed to rain tomorrow. Do you no what that means?
Duke: No getting wet while pooping?
Yoyo: Longer walks?
Well, yes to both, but it also means DOG PARK TRIP!
<insert here 2 Boy Dogz losing their shit>
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #2boydogz
Another conversation with my dogs.
Me: Why are you two moping around?
Yoyo: Skateparks are closed due to rain.
Duke: Nobody can come over for a game.
Me: Well, what if I told you we have all 4 Monsterverse movies on the DVR? AND, I'll fill a bowl full of jerky treats!
More conversation with my dogs.
Yoyo: So, you were shot in the ass. Any other wounds you want to tell us about.
Me: Shot through my lower right arm. it was in and out, just below the skin. I was not the intended target...
Duke: Holy sh...
Me: Stabbed twice on purpose and once accidentally. Speared by a broken pool cue. Ran a nail clean through my right foot. Broke my right collar bone in a bike accident. There are others.
Both boys: DUDE!
Conversation with my dogs.
Duke: Dad, did you hear that Mr. Higgins up the street got shot in the butt by his wife?
Me: Yeah, I heard that. I'm surprised it didn't happen years ago. They always fight.
Yoyo: He's lucky it was a shot to the ass.
Me: True, but I'll bet it still hurt. It hurt when I got shot in the ass.
Both boys: WHAT???
Me: It was a long time ago. Shotgun, dove shot, stung like hell.
Duke: Was that the only time you got shot?
To be continued...
My youngest dog, Duke: When will we be able to go to the dog park again?
Me: Once is stops raining for a few days, so things can dry out.
Duke: Well shit, that could be weeks from now!
Me: Yep. Maybe even a couple of months. Sorry, buddy.
Duke: First I wake up at the vet's office with no balls, now no dog park for weeks. What next?
Yoyo, our oldest dog: You'll wake up as a cat.
Duke: WHAT???
Me: I should have adopted goldfish.
#dogs #2BoyDogz #dogsofmastodon
#dogs #2boydogz #dogsofmastodon