Darth Buddha · @haschrebellen
212 followers · 1736 posts · Server kolektiva.social

And that must also be said here:

Against any substance fascism.

The anti-substance action fights against discrimination or prejudice against substance and drug users: Sub|stanc|is|m - the reduction of a complex fact or person to drugs (-use).

Discrimination or prejudice against substances and drug users, which results in the reduction of people to their substance affinity, and can therefore be seen as a mechanism of oppression.
Many drug users find themselves living an uncomfortable double life.

Fearing degrading treatment by using stigmatized substances.

Often this "game of hide and seek" from the environment has far more serious consequences than the drug use itself.

The decision whether and which drug is taken lies entirely in the personal responsibility!

We are a ragtag bunch of people who are actively fighting for a humane drug policy.
Of course, we have nothing to do with racism, sexism, homophobia, nationalism and other discriminatory shit and also fight against it, because it must be about the whole!

#substanzen #substanzismus #Drogen #cannabis #weed #WeedMob #CSC #legalize #harmrediction #sapereaude #psychonaut #psychedelics #speed #dmt #lsd #shrooms #2cb #keta #ketamin #kokain #Dopamin #koffein #nikotin #adrenalin #sauerstoff #followyourbliss #workaholic #workaholics #wirmuessenhierrauskeinemachtfuerniemand

Last updated 1 year ago

Inhaler of the Riff Tree · @Justweiss
52 followers · 56 posts · Server shakedown.social

@mrcompletely @chopaganda @GreenTeam @Sunshine I remember being too high and getting lost, I remember running into a friend from home while pissing on the fence, I remember taking a picture at sunrise and some killer ground scores. The rest of Big Cypress is a kaleidoscope blur 🤣

#2cb #lsd

Last updated 2 years ago

Irenerd 🐌 :vericol: · @irenerd
348 followers · 2082 posts · Server col.social

Recomendado el episodio de El hilo sobre el riesgo, y la reducción de este, en el consumo de drogas recreativas en las fiestas electrónicas, la adulteración y la responsabilidad de los organizadores de eventos. Muy merecido el reconocimiento al trabajo que hace Échele Cabeza!

Dato curioso: el tráfico de este tipo de drogas es de Europa hacia América Latina 🙃

#podcast #mdma #2cb #lsd #rave #ketamine #extasis

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexandre B A Villares 🐍 · @villares
865 followers · 1466 posts · Server ciberlandia.pt

sketch_2022_02_01 imported mode

import trimesh
import shapely

# iamkate.com/data/12-bit-rainbo
palette = (
'#817', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '#639'

def setup():
global m
size(400, 400, P3D)
polygon = shapely.geometry.Polygon([(-100, -100), (0, -100),
(0, 0), (-50, -50), (-100, 0)])
m = trimesh.creation.extrude_polygon(polygon, 30)

def draw():
translate(width /2, height / 2)
for i, face in enumerate(m.faces):
fill(palette[i % 12])
with begin_closed_shape():
vertices([m.vertices[v] for v in face])

#processing #python #py5 #shapely #trimesh #p3d #a35 #c66 #e94 #ed0 #9d5 #4d8 #2cb #0bc #09c #36b

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexandre B A Villares 🐍 · @villares
865 followers · 1446 posts · Server ciberlandia.pt

# iamkate.com/data/12-bit-rainbo
palette = (
'#817', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '#639'

def setup():
size(800, 800)

def draw():
xc = yc = 400
for i in range(6):
m = 1 - abs(cos(radians(frame_count / 2))) ** 5
r = 150 + 150 * m
a = radians(frame_count / 2 + 60 * i)
x = xc + r * cos(a)
y = yc + r * sin(a)
circle(x, y, 150)
r = 300 - 150 * m
a = a + radians(30)
x = xc + r * cos(a)
y = yc + r * sin(a)
fill(palette[-1 -i])
circle(x, y, 150)

#processing #python #py5 #genuary #genuary31 #トゥートprocessing #a35 #c66 #e94 #ed0 #9d5 #4d8 #2cb #0bc #09c #36b

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexandre B A Villares 🐍 · @villares
857 followers · 1390 posts · Server ciberlandia.pt

imported mode
# Kate Rose Morley's palette
# iamkate.com/data/12-bit-rainbo

from itertools import product

palette = (
'#817', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '#639'

def setup():
global palavras
size(800, 800)

def draw():
w = 400
i = 0
for x, y in product(range(0, width, w), repeat=2):
for z in range(3):
square(w / 2 + x, w / 2 + y, w / (z / 2 + 1))
i += 1

#processing #python #py5 #genuary #genuary30 #トゥートprocessing #a35 #c66 #e94 #ed0 #9d5 #4d8 #2cb #0bc #09c #36b

Last updated 2 years ago

· @liquidskyartistcollective
45 followers · 105 posts · Server troet.cafe
· @liquidskyartistcollective
45 followers · 105 posts · Server troet.cafe
· @liquidskyartistcollective
45 followers · 105 posts · Server troet.cafe
· @liquidskyartistcollective
45 followers · 105 posts · Server troet.cafe
· @liquidskyartistcollective
45 followers · 105 posts · Server troet.cafe