Nothing quite like the disappointment of keeping your #Nintendo3DS altogether all these years only to lose your stylus at the start of 2023. Had always been weirdly loose fitting but apparently it's finally decided it lives in the wild now.
*sigh* Suppose I need to figure out where to find #2DSXL replacement stylus from, prefer to find one that fits the slot than one to go in the carry case. Bother.
#nintendo3ds #2dsxl #consoles #handhelds #3ds #2ds #nintendo #lost #gaming
#Nintendo : Bon ben gniagnia voilà #AdvanceWarsRebootCamp est repoussé gnagnagni date inconnue blah blah gniallez vous faire fiche...
Moi : "Watt-Fer-Foot je retourne sur #AdvanceWarsDualStrike puisque c'est comme ça !
P.S. : Je vous ai déjà raconté combien 💕J'A-DO-RE💕ce jeu ?
#3615MaVie #JeuVidéo Nintendo #DS #2DSXL
#2dsxl #ds #jeuvidéo #3615mavie #advancewarsdualstrike #AdvanceWarsRebootCamp #nintendo