libraryogre · @libraryogre
59 followers · 667 posts · Server

@FortiterGames Day 31: Favourite of all time.

This is hard to say, but probably . As I said earlier this month, I can't really think of anything about it that I hate.

I love (the "new" edition is more than 10 years old, folks, and has been around longer than the old edition), but it's got its lumps. I grew up on and , but I can't really go back to them.

#rpgaday2023 #rpg #savageworlds #Hackmaster #Rifts #palladiumfantasy #shadowrun #2e

Last updated 1 year ago

geographile · @geographile
62 followers · 1748 posts · Server

I went to an alternative boarding school that was exactly what I needed at the time but wasn't very strong academically, and aside from decent history and Civics I missed a lot of foundational learning. On the other hand, I learned really good skills and those have underpinned my as an adult. As a of a kid with specific and unusual needs, I consider critical thinking to be the absolute knowledge that we cannot do without and everything else scaffolds on top of that.

#criticalthinking #homeschool #parent #2e #academic #foundational #learning

Last updated 1 year ago

Contrarian · @contrarian
1 followers · 94 posts · Server

@Abstruse Is it all right if I refer to them as "the rogues?"

#GenCon #DnD #2e

Last updated 1 year ago

geographile · @geographile
32 followers · 345 posts · Server
UltimateSpinDash · @UltimateSpinDash
0 followers · 15 posts · Server

Das hier war kein einfaches Video, aber dafür umso wichtiger.

#autismus #asperger #masking #neurodiversitat #2e

Last updated 1 year ago

· @draNgNon
52 followers · 926 posts · Server

wow, I'm trying out

some of the abilities are very hard to interpret. the action economy is fun.

#pathfinder #2e #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

This week on the "This Is Not Therapy" Hour, Brandon Tessers and @adhdmarie continued the conversation on in . You can catch up on our YouTube channel:

#accommodations #education #parenting #neurodiversity #2e #sensorysensitivities #support

Last updated 2 years ago

Stella Quasten · @StellaQuasten
369 followers · 3691 posts · Server

Wat is dat voor een bruinhemd nu in de Kamer die fulmineert over 'Achmed en Mehmet die in hun eigen land moeten blijven.


Last updated 2 years ago

sharon under the stars · @clyminghawk
227 followers · 264 posts · Server

I’m taking a class right now (getting my gifted endorsement) and the class is awful. Everything about it is awful, from the actual course construction in Canvas to the terrible photos of readings to the old white male reading list to the awful assignments. It’s so bad and I can’t decide if it’s this bad because I’m supposed to just put in minimal effort and jump this hoop or if they’re serious about this class and it is just this terrible and they don’t know or care. Why can’t I just accept this and jump the hoops and move on? Why do I get so angry at how bad this is? Everyone else seems fine with it and I’m rage-typing discussion posts about quantum physics and convergent / divergent thinking and the nature of reality. Is this an thing or a thing or am I just a bad misfit person?

#adhd #gifted #2e

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim · @tjg
15 followers · 161 posts · Server

There seem to be very few people here who are + have + + probable + possibly / . The feeling of not belonging is very strong. I have serious doubts as to whether I'll ever truly fit in here.

#autistic #schizophrenia #aphantasia #dyspraxia #gifted #2e

Last updated 2 years ago

Using a $30\,\mathrm{keV}$ focused He ion beam (He-FIB) with a wide range of irradiation doses $D=100$ to $1000\,\mathrm{ions/nm}$ we fabricated Josephson and resistive barriers within microbridges of epitaxially grown single crystalline YBCO thin films and investigated the change of their electric transport properties with time. One set of samples () was simply stored at room temperature under nitrogen atmosphere. A second set () was post-annealed at $90^\circ\,\mathrm{C}$ using high oxygen pressures and a third set () at low oxygen pressures. We found that for the critical current density $j_c$ at $4.2\,\mathrm{K}$ changes as $j_c\propto\exp(-\sqrt{t/\tau})$ with time $t$, where the relaxation times $\tau$ increases exponentially with $D$, which can be described within a limited diffusion based model. In order to increase the diffusion rate we annealed the junctions from at $90^\circ\,\mathrm{C}$ for $30\,\mathrm{min}$ in oxygen environment. Directly after annealing the critical current density $j_c$ increased, while the normal state resistance $R_n$ decreased. Repeated measurements showed that within a week the junctions relaxed to a quasi-stable state, in which the time scale for junction parameter variations increased to several weeks, making this a feasible option to achieve temporal stability of parameters of He-FIB Josephson junctions in YBCO.

#1a #2d #2e

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Silberman · @stevesilberman
6363 followers · 1265 posts · Server

So honored to be part of QuadPrepSchool's Breakthrouugh conference with bold voices like
@EricMGarcia, Haley Moss, and ZharaAstra, ongoing for the next 3 days in NYC.

#neurodivergent #2e #neurodiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

John Hume · @duelinmarkers
65 followers · 100 posts · Server

Looking at , with the classic low HP and unforgiving Death mechanics, it's amazing to consider the fragility of these PCs vs the incredible time and energy people put into planning and characters. I want to hear from players who've gone from "modern" to Old-School play about how the transition went. (I've been reading and collecting OSR stuff lately but have no play experience with it. I've theorycrafted and a silly amount.)

#shadowdarkrpg #osr #ttprg #dnd5e #pathfinder #5e #2e

Last updated 2 years ago

On Monday, Brandon Tessers, LCPC, and @adhdmarie continued the conversation on , with a focus on the concepts of and being , or . Catch up with the "This Is Not Therapy" Hour now on YouTube:

#intelligence #giftedness #TwiceExceptional #2e

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian Rogers · @SubplotKudzu
68 followers · 415 posts · Server

@Tesqovara Turns out you can get the White Plume Mountain Revised for 3.5 for $0.69 right now at drive through RPG which includes the 7 page "outside the mountain" supplement containing stat blocks for Dragotha and Thingizzed the witch (who was statted up in for _Return to WPM_)

I was very happy with the 3.5 update for WPM, a clean and accessible translation of the original, even though by the time my heroes got to it they were in


#3e #2e #13thage

Last updated 2 years ago

On this week's "This Is Not Therapy" Hour, Brandon Tessers and @adhdmarie discussed the concept of . Catch up on YouTube:

#intelligence #neurodiversity #giftedness #2e #MentalHealth #coaching #TherapistsConnect

Last updated 2 years ago

AsylumDEG :pipverified: · @AsylumDEG
49 followers · 522 posts · Server

In my TWACT campaign, my party secured use of lodging owned by the local Curate. But they didn't even search it. At all. The next session, a player who didn't make the prior session asked if they found anything and they thought "good idea, let's search!" And they find a locked chest! But when picking is unsuccessful they leave again and ignore it all session. Again.


#dnd #2e #dmlife

Last updated 2 years ago

Camilo Bravo :bass: :drumset: · @cambraca
496 followers · 1476 posts · Server

what means ☝️

#TIL #2e

Last updated 2 years ago

Morten Mosgaard · @mosgaard
168 followers · 161 posts · Server

@Cloudjumper nice meeting you Merlin, may I ask what is?


Last updated 2 years ago

Cloudjumper · @Cloudjumper
1 followers · 1 posts · Server


Hi! I'm Merlin, or Cloudjumper/Cloudjump3r online. I'm in the north of ,previously in Toronto, . I love and and lots of in many different . I used to teach with a focus on & .

Obviously I like but my main background is in & , and & . I'm also myself.

I regularly on giving free .

#introduction #germany #canada #music #production #art #media #gameaudio #narrative #immersion #games #gifted #neurodivergent #psychology #evolutionary #astrology #counselling #2e #stream #twitch #feedback

Last updated 2 years ago