"Because they they’ll look at you and say, Well, you can do this thing that’s so complicated, but you can’t do this basic thing. And they think that it’s a contradiction, but it really isn’t because there are two different parts of the brain."
post with audio:
The complex life of being 2e gifted, neurodivergent, ADHD with Aurora Remember [includes podcast episode.] https://thecreativemind.net/8441/the-complex-life-of-being-2e-gifted-neurodivergent-adhd-with-aurora-remember/
Expert Guidance For Navigating Relationships as a 2e Person
Host of the Let’s Talk 2e Adult Conference Julie Skolnick writes:
Do you ever feel completely lost when it comes to your relationships – romantic, platonic, or otherwise?
You’re not alone. So many of the 2e adults I work with are frustrated and confused by…
how hard it can be to find others who appreciate their passions for anything other than quirks or oddities...
#2eadults #giftedadults #relationships
Could do the advanced stuff, but basic busy work stuff was hard
See longer video and other resources, in article:
Living better the complex life of being 2e gifted, neurodivergent, with ADHD
Listen to the audio podcast version: The complex life of being 2e gifted, neurodivergent, ADHD with Aurora Remember
#2eadults #twiceexceptional #gifted #neurodiverse #adhdproblems #adhdawareness
#2eadults #twiceexceptional #gifted #neurodiverse #adhdproblems #adhdawareness
The complex experience of 2E adults with ADHD
"Owning an ADHD brain has its challenges: time blindness, trouble with initiation and completion...But attention deficit disorder is completely misnamed. It actually is attention to everything." - Linda Roggli, from podcast episode
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