Lightening splits the sky in two. Thunder's hunger shakes my room. Clouds cry: trees cheer; water falls: green leaves. Life's sustained by clown frowns and child smiles. What is a slanted lantern on a gray night but a wondrous mist of bended light? #peaceloveandskittles #tastetherainbow
Dec 21, 2015 7:17p
Change outa cracked shirts, change into dat dapp grab. Change me a tree, it only cost a peace piece ...i gave you a five, didn't i? Why, o, why is changing so hard?
Mar 18, 2016 5:34a
#2ffer #peaceloveandskittles #tastetherainbow
#2ffer weird beauty
Dice die when they're alone. A mouse's house is a mice home. I'll never again peace peep for then I'd have to peace poop. A platoon of leen led by a lone loon pled for plurality simplicity #irregularity
Jun 16, 2015 5:38pm
Won't you lick life's dichotomists with your pied tongue? Life is pi, irrational and transcendental, to color life black and white is as right as a 22 piece pi split amongst 7. Won't you color my world with your rainbow words?
Jul 13, 2015 6:47pm
#2ffer is there a reason we order the visible spectrum in descending wavelength vs descending energy? #verbalisms
Vibgy Or lives in the shadow of her great grandfather Roy G Biv. She once asked, "do geese see god?" He palindromicly answered, "Mr. Owl ate my metal worm!"
May 11, 2015 2:07am
In America, my car clock's fast so I arrive early. Here in Malawi, my alarm clock's slow so I arrive on time #Africantime #timeisrelative
May 21, 2015 4:48pm
#2ffer #verbalisms #africantime #timeisrelative
#2ffer word thinking kills a vibe #staymetaphoric and brownies are the best >>>
Dictionary conversations rarely deviate from a few key words spun in a web of sticky synonyms. Don't talk to a Webster. Or if you do, ask whether he wrote the dictionary #oooyoudid
May 04, 2015 9:53pm
If I had a 30 minute brownie mix, I'd do it in a sec #probablynotthough #probablyanhourthough #africantime
May 08, 2015 1:22am
#2ffer #staymetaphoric #oooyoudid #probablynotthough #probablyanhourthough #africantime
#2ffer abt rain. studying the sky is a simple pleasure. hail was not a pleasure.
We're all meteorologists, we just don't all give statistics slash #giveash*t #itgonnarain
Feb 18, 2015 5:03am
Sky's as dark as Vader
Sunshine stays up later
21 above zero,
Celsius, you weird-o
Hail's on tonight's radar.
Feb 24, 2015 1:30am
#2ffer another translation this time abt how everything is "just close".
rumpi is town in northern malawi, "pa fupi" mean near. ma' is an english prefix add-on--eg picture is a ma'snapi. candy is a ma'sweeti:
Pa fupi, ma' rumpi ---> rumpi is close, my ass
Dec 16, 2014 4:34pm
Don't get even, get odd
Jan 04, 2015 2:25am