2/ BTW, on Monday 11 Sept, the #CS3 #C3 #Embankment counter recorded 11,329 cycle journeys.
Year to close of 11/9/23 was just shy of #2million at 1,999,974. (Counter has had some offline days).
Oh, and in the rolling week Tuesday 5th-Monday 11th Sept'23, the C3 CS3 Embankment counter recorded 78,105 journeys - busiest week this year!
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#cs3 #c3 #Embankment #2million #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
🎉#2million cycle journeys counted in 2023 🎉
Tuesday 12 Sept 2023: report by @jimfrayling@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleway #CS3 #C3 along Victoria #Embankment
"#CS3Count 2,003,391 at 0838. 3,417 for the morning at 0817. Ahem…!"
"cyclist today 3,417" and "cyclists this year "2,003,391"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#2million #london #cycleway #cs3 #c3 #Embankment #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
On a very hot and sticky Sunday 10 Sept'23, the London's #CS3 #Embankment counter recorded huge-for-a-Sunday 7,102 cycle journeys 😲
Year-to-close of 10/9/23: 1,988,645 journeys with some missing days.
Dead cert for 2023's #2million-th journey to be counted on Tuesday 12 Sept.
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#cs3 #Embankment #2million #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
On Saturday 9 Sept'23, the #CS3 cycleway counter on #London's Victoria #Embankment recorded 6,816 cycle journeys, which is huge for a Saturday.
Year to close of 9/9/23: 1,981,543 journeys.
At this rate, the counter will pass #2million for 2023 probably on Tuesday 🤔
#cs3 #london #Embankment #2million
On Friday 8 Sept'23, the #CS3 cycleway counter on London's Victoria Embankment had a quieter day recording 9,325 journeys, reflecting a normal Friday pattern across all London's transport modes.
Year to close of 8/9/23: 1,974,727 journeys.
Shall we go for #2million next week, say Tues eve or Weds morning?
Nel 2022 oltre 2milioni di scorte di cibo consegnate dal #BancoAlimentare: Pescara la provincia in cui se ne sono distribuite di più
Un bilancio che dimostra l'efficacia della presenza sul territorio del Banco, ma che racconta anche di una situazione sempre più difficile a causa della contingenza economica e della guerra: 39mila le persone assistite con un aumento dei sostegni pro capite
Over #2million food stocks delivered by the #BancoAlimentare in 2022: Pescara the province with the most food distributed
A balance that demonstrates the effectiveness of the Banco's presence on the territory, but also tells of an increasingly difficult situation due to the economic contingency and the war: 39 thousand people assisted with an increase in support per capita
31-5-2023 16:18 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/attualita/bilancio-2022-banco-alimentare-abruzzo-molise-cresce-assistenza.html
#bancoalimentare #2million #ilpescara