my eyelids feel heavy
like reasonably packed bags
but at the end of a very long trip
at my "home" airport but still
hours and miles from home
if there is one
certainly, more than here
or there
but the bags aren't even over packed
mostly just clothes,
yet still my shoulders droop as i haul
them, and my body, down another hall
the end stretches in a monotony
that suggests it isn't,
but also not a beginning.

that kind of heavy.


#freewrite #poetry #writing #2nddrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

if trees could write
i bet they'd make paper from a few limbs
to write us a long fuck you letter
if walls could talk
they'd scream until we moved out
or knocked all the houses down
if grass could touch back
we'd flee for the asphalt real damn quick


#poetry #writing #2nddrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

Baboons ass is red;
Mandrills ass is blue;
why talk flowers,
when primate ass will do?

("as" to "ass" edit)

#poetry #writing #sillypoems #smallpoems #2nddrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

[A Dog, A God; A Stray, astray]


Where the sun rises from endless waves and, after crossing the sky, settles into endless waves on the other side, and then three more days onward with full sails; a broke and breaking sloop, solo crewed by a grizzled wisp, lost the breeze at last.


The sea was as glass here, hidden from even the wind itself; where none but the lost could ever find.
As the sun set, off in the wrong distance, the wisp tried the tautness of a thick rope stretched across the deck to the anchor release.
Then they climbed overboard, along a frayed fishing net, and grabbed onto the huge anchor dangling above the still water.
As they lashed their legs and waist to the anchor, and slashed the line, they looked not at the sky or ship, just the taut rope and their knife.


The rope, under such tension, snapped from strain as much as blade, and gears spun suddenly free in the ship's belly; thunderous echoes right before the crash into the silence of the sea.


Light loses itself quickly in the ocean; rushing in just under the surface and then everywhere but the depths still unknown and unseen. The anchor was not directionless, and dove hard for dark.


Out of the deep, into the boldest light, rushed a gaping maw; chain caught by snapping jaws, and the one track course reversed. Anchor and its passenger rose faster then they'd fallen, into the cool sea air, and returned to rest on the rickety deck of their sloop.


Sitting up, and grasping the chains about their legs, the now drenched wisp spits saltwater and shakes their long wet hair free of their face to look out, and then up, at an immense dog's head, draped in seaweed and starfishes, rising up from the sea into the twilight sky.


Only the waves murmur in the pause as the two meet each other's gaze, and the wisp, though quietly, speaks first

Wisp- who are you
HUGE Dog- some type of sea god clearly
Wisp- are sea gods usually dogs?
HUGE Dog- am i a dog?
Wisp- well you make Clifford look like a chihuahua but yeah you look like a dog
HUGE Dog- looks are deceiving
Wisp- that's true... what's your name?
HUGE Dog- idk, no one has ever asked before
Wisp- is it Poseidon, that was a sea gods name
HUGE Dog- ew no
Wisp- what about Davy Jones, do you have a locker?
HUGE Dog- no and no
Wisp- Neptune?

The ocean dog god howls, spraying seawater and drool across the deck

Neptune- that rings like whale song, that is my name... what is your name?
Wisp- I'm just a sea dog, an ocean stray.
Neptune- SeaDog is a good name, you wear it well.
SeaDog- alright Neptune well could you do me a favor and drop this anchor back where you found it?
Neptune- why would I do that? I saw you the first time, you are terrible at breathing under water. What if I get you off that anchor and we go traveling?
SeaDog-... to where?
Neptune- who cares
SeaDog...what will we do?
Neptune- be there together.
SeaDog- shit, im in


any wave,
under any sky,
in any storm,
no reason why,
i could stay,
on deck at your side.

#writing #ProsePoetry #grief #2nddrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

coming apart at the never before seams,
silence drowns out my loudest screams,
questions unasked
are answers unmasked
who can tell nightmares from dreams?

#poetry #writing #smallpoems #2nddrafts #limerick

Last updated 2 years ago

the nights are dark and lonely
full of buts and what ifs, and only
get longer and colder
every day that i'm older
and i can't say that nobody told me

#poetry #smallpoems #limerick #writing #2nddrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

i haunt a house in
some strange dream; exorcism
waits in the waking

#poetry #writing #smallpoems #2nddrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

tea time on tombstones
the rest is great peace alone
and what you've not known

#poetry #smallpoems #writing #2nddrafts

Last updated 2 years ago