@ScribbleAddict Love this advice, friend!
Setting a timer for the #30FacesChallenge someone on masto started not too long ago was so very helpful for me. I let the pen/brush do the work and got out of my head.
One hour to do a portrait, including finding a reference and getting your materials! Jeez this was a low key stressful task for #ArtSchool :I
Those of you who have been around for a while might recognize this dude, he's from my Pinterest Board of interesting Portraits, and may or may not have come up in the #30FacesChallenge or other previous studies of me~
#Art #Mastoart #Coal
#coal #MastoArt #art #30FacesChallenge #artschool
Also, the last picture (Time-Wise) for the #dailysketchchallenge #30FacesChallenge is this!
Except that... because of life... It hasn't been 30 faces. I'll run through and see how many we actually had and I'll keep posting until we have actual 30 :D
#30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
Today for the #dailysketchchallenge #30FacesChallenge : Her!
Wanted to bring in more young people :D
#30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
This guy popped up in my feed!
I'm pretty sure he's scandinavian :D
#30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
Okay, I couldn't post a #dailysketchchallenge #30FacesChallenge yesterday cause I fell sick (and still am) and couldn't get myself to the PC D:
But today is this nice Santa looking guy!
I'd like to include more NB/Androgynous people instead of just flipping between the binaries, I've only had one so far but I don't know how to find them - If you could send some pictures my way, especially if they're on Pinterest so I could add them to my board that would be great!!
#30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
10 min drawing
#krita #MastoArt #art #30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
#dailysketchchallenge #30FacesChallenge of the day!
It's not much variety in comparison to the last one but she was recommended to me on Pinterest and I love her style so much!
#30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
First picture @ 5 min
Second @ ~ 80 min
too much fun to stop again...sry :)
#krita #MastoArt #art #30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
I'm back!
Not to drawing, yet, but to posting pictures for the #dailysketchchallenge #30FacesChallenge that has gone generally of the rails anyways, but that be life.
Today, this lady!
To be honest, I have drawn most people on this board before, and I'm starting to get confused which one I had as a challenge face and which not.
#30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
#dailysketchchallenge #krita #MastoArt #art #30FacesChallenge
my entry for Nr. 18
due to the time pressure I was choosing a random FX brush for her freckles. I think it came out somehow interesting
#dailysketchchallenge #krita #MastoArt #art #30FacesChallenge
Okay, people of the #DailySketchChallenge #30FacesChallenge I have a problem, and that is im not home (or specifically, I'm at my family home) until Friday and I can't use Pinterest on my phone. So, today yall get to choose your own picture!
From here:
Or elsewhere :)
#30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
Argh, this is why @CountZero took over the #dailysketchchallenge ! My life is so (positively) turbulent, I can't keep a schedule that allows me to reliably post these images, let alone draw them!
The #30FacesChallenge is gonna take longer than a month just for me failing to post on time!
Anyways, here's the picture for today!
#30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge
Catching up with the #DailySketchChallenge with oil pastels and pens.
I have never liked using pencils daily, but in art I found I liked them for adding value. So 2 years ago I challenged myself on inktober not to use pencil, to break things down simpler. My last couple pencil drawings in 4-5 min have been terrible. I guess I really did learn to use pens.
#30FacesChallenge #MastoArt #CreativeToots
#creativetoots #mastoart #30FacesChallenge #dailysketchchallenge