time to get cosy and watch some more #30Monedas, was suuuper tempted to spend today binge watching but i would like to try taking it a bit slower so i was good 😇
#30Coins #tv #horror
#30monedas #30coins #tv #horror
finally getting around to watching #30Monedas and this first episode just went from hmm to wtf :blobcatscream: i dig it so far tho
#30Coins #tv #horror
#30monedas #30coins #tv #horror
I'm four episodes into 30 Monedas / 30 Coins by fellow TTRPG enthusiast (and author) Alex de la Iglesia.
I recommend to check the show if you're a fan of INS/MV, Kult, Nephilim, maybe even Unknown Armies, Delta Green or Call of Cthulhu. Anything with a contemporary occult aspect. 😁
Gizmodo: Spooky Spanish Series 30 Coins Returns to Unleash More Diabolical Vibes https://gizmodo.com/hbo-spain-30-coins-horror-series-s2-paul-giamatti-1850659467 #entertainmentculture #elenameganmontaner #miguelsilvestre #alexdelaiglesia #nuriagonzalez #manueltallafe #paulgiamatti #delaiglesia #manolosolo #najwanimri #hboeurope #macarena #giamatti #30coins #pedraza #javier #eduard #najwa #nimri #nuria #fusco #nieto #of
#entertainmentculture #elenameganmontaner #miguelsilvestre #alexdelaiglesia #nuriagonzalez #manueltallafe #paulgiamatti #delaiglesia #manolosolo #najwanimri #hboeurope #macarena #giamatti #30coins #pedraza #javier #eduard #najwa #nimri #nuria #fusco #nieto #of
At a writing level, we really need to talk about what an incredible character Paco The Himbo Mayer is in 30 Coins / 30 Monedas.
In his own way, he's as much the antithesis of the typical Toxic Masculine Hero as Monk or Columbo.
What a breath of fresh air.
#30coins #30monedas #writing #screenwriting
Am I the only one who watched 30 Coins (30 Monedas) on HBO Max? Just curious because I never see it mentioned/anyone ever talking about it.
If you like horror and have HBO and *haven't* seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it.
Also, it has Lito from Sense8 (Miguel Ángel Silvestre) and that lady who played Uxian (Macarena Gómez) in that unhinged Dagon movie Stuart Gordon made.
#30coins #30monedas #anyone #hbomax #horror