“In the end, be in the muck of human goo and ask the story what it means.” - @maxgladstone on writing your truth. #VP2022 #30dayslater
“Editors don’t not buy stories because there’s something wrong. Editors don’t buy stories because there isn’t anything right.” @matociquala #VP2022 #30dayslater
"There are no rules, only techniques." - Daryl Gregory #VP2022 #30dayslater
From @ceepolk: on crafting effective intrigue in storytelling - the art of sneakily providing the answer to a question that hasn’t even been asked yet. #VP2022 #30dayslater
"If people are complaining about the landscape, the train isn't moving fast enough." @tnielsenhayden on worldbuilding/pacing #VP2022 #30dayslater
Favorite part about this barrage of morning tootin' I've done so far - is everytime I typed in #30dayslater, mastodon letting me know that the avg. usage frequency of the hashtag on the server is twice per week. 😐 . Thanks, mastodon. That was all me. Both of those hashtag uses this week was all me.
From @maxgladstone: When you sit down and try to think about writing your novel - it is like putting together a 5000-piece puzzle. Or unraveling a messy, tangled hank of yarn. Probably blindfolded. #VP2022 #30dayslater
"You cannot get permission, but you must take responsibility." - Scott Lynch #VP2022 #30dayslater
As a writer, you probably already know (or can guess) what it is that you shouldn't do when writing. But do you know what it is that you shouldn't NOT to do?👀 @matociquala does. And we learned it too. #VP2022 #30dayslater